Dimension 1 – Stewardship

The Principal works with the community to develop a clear vision for education that guides decisions and planning over time.

1.1 Clear Vision and Direction


CEP Lead Lit Plan OCT 2012

The Community Education Planning Meetings twice yearly allow consultation with the community to develop goals and strategies for school programming and planning. We generally collate all the responses from parents and use this information to guide our planning at the school level. Generally we have specific focus topics and discussion groups at the CEP Meeting. An example of the kinds of responses we get using this format can be seen from June 2011:

CEP Parent Survey June 2011

Fall 2012 our CEP Format was changed to more of an “informational” afternoon. A Parent Engagement display from Pam Walsh at SSDEC; the Chipewyan dictionary display with Brent Kaulback supplemented staff displays on Literacy, Numeracy, Language and culture and additional booths from H&SS and Aurora College. Our focus for parent feedback was Attendance:

Attnd CEP Oct 26,2012


The Lutsel K’e DEA composed of community members and one LKDFN representative works closely with the Principal and staff to oversee school programs, assist with staffing and community liaison, and to provide guidance and direction in planning.

DEA MEETING Minutes OCT 25, 2012

DEA MEETING Minutes Sept. 13, 2012

DEA MEETING Minutes DEC 12, 2012


DEA MEETING Minutes February 15 2013

DEA Minutes March 11 2013

Public Meetings are an excellent way to have direct dialogue with community members around specific issues. After our discussions with the DEA on Attendance, video games and substance abuse issues that were impacting students, the DEA suggested a Public Meeting. This was held on February 21, 2013 at 7 pm at the Community Hall. Turnout was not as high as expected but we did have good discussion after a presentation, and some positive suggestions were made. The presentation and notes from that meeting follow:

LKDS DEA Community Presentation Feb 21 2013

Community Mtg Feb 2013

In April, the Lutsel K’e DEA and the Chief and Council and other community representatives met with the Honourable Minister of Education Jackson Lafferty and MLA, and Minister of Health Tom Beaulieu  to discuss moving forward on the school renovation for 2014-2015. The community feels the school renewal will stimulate  community committment to education – from Daycare and pre-school, to high school and Adult Education. There were discussions on how to adequately support quality programming in small communities when enrollment is fluctuating as parents seek to upgrade their education elsewhere in the territories. The right to quality education in small communities must be supported by appropriate policies on funding, staff housing, day care and adult basic training and upgrading.

1.2 – Shared Decision Making

The Principal leads the school community in making decisions that will enhance teaching and learning.

TARGET 1 – Working with Others

The key to working with others is relationships and communication. This year we have made some changes to the way we communicate with parents and community members. Our newsletters have been popular over the years, but social media has taken over in this community so the paper newsletter is gone in favor of the Lutsel K’e Community Board where all organizations post information, plans and questions for everyone to check into:

Community Facebook page 

The school has a new webpage that is accessible to staff for editing so they can post news, homework, pictures and any special news or events in their classroom:

LKDS Website

Throughout the year newspaper articles, radio interviews and CBC North features programs and activities in the school. The pre-school, K-2 Aboriginal Language Program was featured on CBC North TV in February, 2013. Interviews with CBC and CKLB have highlighted our sports and cultural programs. On April 8, 2013 four of our students were interviewed on CKLB about their experiences  at the Artillery Lake Spring Hunt in March. Communication keeps people involved and feeling ownership; sharing accomplishments of the students makes parents, staff and community  feel very proud. This year CBC and CKLB have aired interviews with the Principal, staff members and students.  Below is a link to one of the articles in News North this year:

Students at school get a lesson in writing and filming in Lutsel K’e, Monday, February 18, 2013


Interagency meetings are attended regularly by all managers in the community – as the schedule permits  – which has generated more communication and cooperation to help deal with community issues and decisions, help to streamline planning for special events and all the activities, share the work, and use funding in the most efficient way possible. To that end, this year’s Artillery Lake Spring Hunt was closely planned with Akaitcho Territory Government, the Lutsel K’e Dene First Nation, Wildlife and local ENR personnel, and a joint budget was generated in order to maximize our funding and share expenses. The community is also generating a Community Wellness Plan which will have a 5 year funding base. The school is one of the partners in these meetings and will be submitting suggestions for funding for culture, classroom and counseling support. Attached is a sample agenda and sample minutes:

Interagency Agenda October 24th , 2012

Interagency Agenda April 10, 2013

Interagency Minutes Sept 5, 2012

TARGET 2 – Effective Problem Solving

DEA, Interagency, and Community Meetings all contribute to shared decision making and effective problem-solving. The other critical partners here are the parents, staff and students who need to feel involved in decisions that are made about the school and its programs. We have held several community meetings this year including our Community Education Planning meeting in the Fall to brainstorm ideas from parents and community around attendance issues. We then take the recommendations and try some of the ideas to see if they work. We followed one suggestion and did several parent visits with Health and Social Services which was effective for some families. We have also instituted an end of the year award for the highest attendance in the school – a nice ipad.


Cultural Orientation Days in the GNWT are an excellent opportunity for staff to connect with many of the elders i the community and enjoy learning some of the traditional skills and languages. This year staff had a chance to go beery picking and then cook traditional recipes with several elders. Elders are a valuable resource in this community to come into the school and tell stories, demonstrate traditional skills, share language and talk about healthy relationships and families from a more traditional point of view.

Lutsel K’e Dene School Staff on GNWT Culture Day at Du Hammel Lake

September 21, 2013

We spent the day with elders Madeline Drybone and Madeline Catholique preparing fish, picking cranberries and making jam for fresh bannock. Madeline Catholique shared her mother’s recipe for caribou meat balls. The staff helped cut up the meat and add different ingredients and then shape the balls to fry and boil – yummy! They observed and then helped with cutting up fish and making bannock as well.

Celine had her tipi set up and demonstrated making drymeat and then hanging it to smoke inside over the fire. Celine’s grandson Chad Boucher was our assistant who helped cut firewood and keep the cooking fire going.









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