Tag Archives: war criminals

Open Letter: UBC Protects War Criminals and Terrorizes Community

Via UBC Staff for Palestine:

On February 14th, while “israeli” occupation forces were swimming in the Aquatic Centre, UBC staff member and alum Nathan Herrington was abducted by armed RCMP state agents, handcuffed, searched, and locked in the back of a van for 30+ minutes.

Nathan was doing his job.
He was wearing a keffiyeh.
And he was “detained for mischief.”

It could have been you. It could have been anyone. Without action, it will be.

These incidents are only getting more common in university communities.

The UBC administration has refused join faculty, staff, and students who have called for an end to UBC’s complicity in “israeli” war crimes. Instead, faculty are removed from teaching assignments, staff members are kidnapped, student spaces are abused for militarized surveillance, armed officers demand that students violate their journalism ethics, and anti-discrimination educational resources are removed from the internet. Where will it end? Any UBC administration that permits or encourages these behaviours is a danger to our community.

Please sign and share the open letter “UBC Protects War Criminals and Terrorizes Community” in solidarity with Nathan and the UBC community.

And, if you have not yet signed the petition for UBC to Divest from Corporations Fueling Genocide and Occupation, we urge you to do so!

In Solidarity,
UBC Staff for Palestine