Learning Technology Quiz Respondus LockDown Browser Teaching Activity


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Formative online quizzes are a very useful tool to assess student learning throughout your course. Quizzes can be delivered synchronously (everyone takes them at the same time) or asynchronously (students can take them at any time within a given availability window). Quizzes can be a very effective way to “chunk” asynchronous teaching. For example, students could watch a video recording on a relevant topic, subsequently, take a quiz to confirm their understanding, and finally contribute to an online discussion forum. This provides students with rapid feedback on their progress, and it provides instructors with an understanding of student comprehension and engagement levels (which could count as participation grades, for example). Instructors can draw on student performance in quizzes to inform future classes as well (both asynchronous and synchronous).

In this context, quizzes are generally fairly short and are low stakes (i.e. less than 10% of an assessment scheme) as they are considered a combination of a learning tool and an assessment tool (i.e. formative assessment).

Quizzes can be timed or open, but should generally have a due date. Canvas offers a number of different types of questions that you can ask in a quiz, along with a wide range of options for setting them up for your students. For information on how to set up Canvas quizzes here are some support resources:



Integrated with Canvas:

It is Canvas!

Used by UBC Sauder Instructors:


Status Info:

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Guides on how to Build Quizzes

Using Respondus

Upload your quiz questions via Respondus – Respondus Quiz is an assessment software that allows you to create your questions in a word document and upload them directly into a Canvas quiz or a Canvas quiz bank.  It also allows you to import publisher quiz questions.  If you would like to import your publisher questions, please contact them directly for the file of your questions to import into Respondus.  You will find the instructions on how to do this on the Respondus page.

Formula Sheets & Long Content

Have a formula sheet or long content to embed in exams? Consider this toggle button solution (redirect to demo quiz) if you are using Lockdown Browser with a formula sheet and/or if you would like to reduce the amount of time students spend scrolling to the top of your exam to access your formula sheet.  If you have a formula sheet to embed, consider typing the formulas in LaTeX syntax.

Midterms and Finals

Note, this information is primarily for formative quizzes. For more details on midterm and final exams, which also use the Canvas quiz tool, see Module 8 – Online Midterm/Final Assessments.

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