Partner: Mosqoy

Mosqoy is a non-profit that focuses on promoting global sustainability and resilience through the empowerment of local culture. The organization works with the Quechua community living in the Andean mountains of Peru, a region that has been adversely impacted by unsustainable tourism and development. Mosqoy believes in empowering local communities through international solidarity and networking, sharing stories of celebration, struggle, and strength.

In this project, 41 students from the SPAN 401 class translate parts of the Mosqoy website, with guidance from Dr. Maria Carbonetti (Coordinator, Spanish for Community), Dr. Maria Adelaida Escobar Trujillo (Co-designer), Alicia Cristina Barrera (NYU; Translation Coordinator, Mosqoy) and Ashli Akins (Director, Mosqoy). This course-based project aligned with the course objectives and learning outcomes. Students translated four sections of the Mosqoy website: Meet Our Weavers, Textile Symbols, Our Team, and Our History.

This project was continued by the Translation Service team in 2019.