Mental Health Correspondents

Making Lifestyle Changes

Hey there MHAC! Thinking of picking up some new habits or getting rid of some bad ones? I think we all know what it feels like to try an motivate ourselves to stay more on top of our school work, go to the gym more, or try and bring lunch and snacks to school. Whatever […]

Educational Mental Health Correspondents

Myths & Facts about schizophrenia

If you ask people to describe someone who best fits the traditional, stereotyped idea of “crazy”, chances are most people will describe something like schizophrenia. But exactly how much do you know about schizophrenia? When it comes to mental disorders, a rough line could be drawn between neurosis and psychosis. Unlike neurosis, which is described […]

Mental Health Correspondents

When the ZZ’s sTop…

It’s Thrive Week (woohoo!) There have been so many terrific opportunities going on around campus and their website is chalked full of amazing information and resources about how we can take care of ourselves over the coming weeks — which are looking pretty daunting, I must say. So, thanks to everyone who has worked  hard […]

Mental Health Correspondents

Children and Teens are at Risk for Lasting Emotional Impact from Hurricane Sandy

Weeks after the onset of the storm, Sandy’s flood waters have receded, and demolished homes are in the process of being repaired. However, the aftershocks of the storm may persist in many children who were in its path, leaving an emotional impact that can be more devastating than the physical damage the storm caused. Children […]

Educational Mental Health Correspondents

That’s autism right there, or is it?

Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized primarily by impaired speech, communication skills and interests, and repetitive, stereotyped behaviors. It is mostly found in young children and infants, although it is also possible for the disorder to go undiagnosed until later in a person’s adulthood. The cause of autism is still unclear, but it […]

Mental Health Correspondents

A Single Protein Targeted as a Potential Root Cause of Multiple Childhood-Onset Psychiatric Disorders

A new discovery recently published in The FASEB Journal links the malformation of a single protein, called “SRGAP3”, to problems in brain functioning that cause symptoms akin to some mental health disorders seen in children. This finding offers a new target for the development of treatments that aim to reverse the biological cause, rather than […]

Educational Mental Health Correspondents

Child Protection

It was late at night, and you were just about to go to bed when you heard a scream. It came from downstairs. In fact, you were almost certain that it came from that 10-year-old who lived downstairs with her mother. You looked at the clock and it was 1am; it wasn’t a time when […]

Mental Health Correspondents

New study shows that too much exercise can negatively impact our mental health

  A new study out of Columbia University showed that while those who exercise 2.5-7.5 hours per week have better mental health than average, any more than that tends to result in the reverse. Researchers found that “about 65 percent of those with poorer mental health exercised more than four hours per week, compared to […]

Educational News

Volunteer opportunity: Research study

Share your views on help seeking and campus support services: Contribute to innovative research from the University of Alberta Featurng guest writer, Erica Lauridsen, PhD Candidate, University of Alberta Are you a full-time student studying at the University of British Columbia? Are you interested in participating in a research study about help seeking & campus support services? We are […]

Mental Health Correspondents

The New Criteria for Diagnosing Hypersexual Disorder

The idea of out-of-control sexual behavior as a mental health disorder has oftentimes been dismissed due to lack of scientific evidence. In fact, sexual addiction is frequently regarded as comical and presented in such a way in movies and TV shows. However, a UCLA-led team of experts has developed a proposed set of criteria to […]

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