The PDA’s new 2018\19 Executive Team was elected at the 2018 AGM held on Wed, March 14th at the Life Sciences Institute, following a brief recap of the previous year from each of the outgoing Executive Officers.
Kieran, the outgoing president started things off with a brief overview of some of our past events, and the recently agreed increase to the PDA funding. Highlights included:
Kieran also gave a quick overview of the role and activities of the outgoing VP Operations, Mehrdad Bokharaei, VP External Moe Elgendi, and VP Finance Jürgen Niesser. The latter included more detail of the increase in budget as well as the current state of the PDA budget and PDA expenditure for 2017/18. Ido Hatam, the outgoing VP Communications discussed his role, including our increased reach with postdocs through more newsletter subscriptions and a great social media presence. Finally, Jessica Bosch the outgoing VP Social shared some of the great events she organized.
Next, the Association voted unanimously to adopt the previously proposed amendments to the Constitution and new Bylaws, with modifications to two of the Bylaws, which now read:
- Bylaw 5.6: A quorum at a General Meeting is ten Association Members, including at least half of Officers.
- Bylaw 7.6: RA Association Members may only serve as Vice-President Communications, Vice-President Social, or Vice-President Research Associates.
The newly adopted Association Constitution and Bylaws can be viewed online.
We then opened the floor for nominations for each of the Officer positions. Following the election, the 2018-2019 PDA Officers are:
- President – Alex Smith (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
- VP Operations – Andrew Hagner (Michael Smith Laboratories)
- VP External – Fiona Zhang (Department of Urologic Science)
- VP Communications – Noriko Okamoto (Department of Botany)
- VP Finance – Chris Rider (Faculty of Medicine)
- VP Social – Ido Hatam (Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering)
The new team will officially take over from April 1, 2018, with the remainder of March used to facilitate a smooth transition.
We strongly encourage people to get involved with the PDA! There are lots of great people and fun to be had in planning our events. Contact us to join the executive team!