Call for Nominations: 2016/2017 PDA Executive

We are excited to announce the call for nominations for candidates to be part of the UBC Postdoctoral Association’s 2016/2017 Executive Team.

This is a great opportunity to:

  1. Gain leadership experience
  2. Represent the postdoc community
  3. Organize professional development, research and networking events

The PDA Executive Team consists of 6 Volunteer Officers (i.e. President and 5 VPs) whose position will be voted on at our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, March 30th in the Life Sciences Institute (LSI) room 1330 (5 pm). For a detailed list of our open Officer Positions and a description of their role below.

We encourage all postdocs to attend the AGM on March 30th.
Light snacks and refreshments will be served!

Eligibility: All candidates must be UBC Postdoctoral Fellows.

Service on the Executive Committee: Candidates should be able to attend the majority of the Executive Committee meetings held bimonthly either on or off-campus, as well as the PDA events. Executive Committee member terms are 1-year beginning April 2016-March 2017.

Self-Nomination: Download the UBC PDA nomination form here. Please fill out this  form and return it to along with: a recent photo and a short Letter of Interest (100-200 words) detailing your interest in serving on the PDA Executive and any relevant experience.

Nomination deadline: Wednesday March 23rd, 2016.

Commitment: On average, the President attends 2 meetings a month (5-10 hours a month), while the VP attends 1-2 meetings a month (2-7 hours a month)

Executive positions open for election (click to read role descriptions):

The UBC PDA President shall:

Act as the public face of the PDA to:

  1. speak on behalf of the PDA at orientation and wherever appropriate
  2. understand the needs of PDA members and ensure equal representation across departments

Be responsible for meetings of the PDA Executive members to:

  1. chair and set the agenda for meetings
  2. ensure proper operation of the meetings
  3. take minutes at meetings, or designate a member to do so
  4. manage copies of the minutes, agendas, and any other materials

Be responsible for the execution of decisions by the PDA Executives

Lead the Annual General Meeting and PDA Elections

Work together with the VP-Communications to:

  1. direct content for communication to members of the UBC postdoc community
  2. manage and update the website
  3. respond to emails
  4. direct the advertisement of PDA events.

Work together with the VP-External to:

  1. collaborate and communicate with the Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars
  2. raise awareness of postdoctoral issues and find avenues of support

Work together with the VP-Social to create a calendar of social events and ensure a broad outreach.

Work together with the VP-Operations to:

  1. ensure liaising with the UBC Postdoctoral Fellows office and Deans office
  2. representing the PDA during meetings with UBC faculty, staff and administrators
  3. coordinate the Executive Members of the PDA

Work together with the VP-Finance to:

  1. ensure responsible stewardship over the annual budget when planning events
  2. being aware of outflow and inflow

**President and/or VP-External has the chance to attend the annual CAPA/CAPS Meeting

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The UBC PDA VP-Operations shall:

  1. Organize professional development activities for postdocs.
  2. Set up regular PDA meetings via doodle polls and arrange suitable venues on/off campus
  3. Organize non-social UBC-PDA events
  4. Attend and participate in meetings of the PDA executive members
  5. Assist in all PDA executive members plan.
  6. Perform duties of the President, in the event of absence or illness of the President

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The UBC PDA VP-External shall:

  1. Raise the voice of UBC postdoctoral fellows at regional and national platforms through participation and dialogues with the Canadian Association for Postdoctoral Scholars (CAPS-ACSP)
  2. Build and promote alliance with various BC industrial sectors to create opportunities for researchers outside academia
  3. Work with CAPS-ACSP to create and sustain dialogue with legislators to acknowledge the role of postdoctoral fellows and research associates to Canadian economy
  4. Address or raise awareness for issues relevant to postdoctoral fellows and research associates
  5. Work with the UBC PDA executive team to ensure smooth running of the organization and liaise with its partners

**President and/or VP-External has the chance to attend the annual CAPA/CAPS Meeting

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The UBC PDA VP-Communications shall:

  1. Be responsible for the development of the communication strategy
  2. Manage communication activities that promote, enhance, and protect the PDA’s brand reputation
  3. Responsible for disseminating news items relevant to UBC postdocs, in the form of a monthly newsletter
  4. Work with the President in planning content for the PDA newsletters
  5. Work with the President to recognize internal and external communications opportunities
  6. Work with the President in managing communications on the PDA’s Facebook page and Twitter
  7. Exercise judgment to prioritize media opportunities, and prepare presentations and other supporting material as needed during events
  8. Work with the team to maintain and continuously improve the PDA website
  9. Promote events
  10. Support the communications needs of the PDA and the Postdoctoral Fellows Office

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The UBC PDA VP-Social shall:

  1. Attend and participate in the biannual PDA orientations
  2. Advertise the PDA to the new postdocs
  3. Deliver the “Getting to Know Vancouver” talk
  4. Organize a social for postdocs after the orientation
  5. Plan, advertise and execute regular social and networking events for postdocs, including the annual:
  6. Whistler trip (organize to/from Whistler and reserve accommodation at the UBC lodge)
  7. 3 Minute Postdoc Slam” competition (assist all PDA executive members plan)
  8. UBC Postdoc Research Day” (assist all PDA executive members plan)
  9. Holiday party (venue reservation and run games e.g. “white elephant”)
  10. Organize monthly social events for the PDA community
  11. Attend and participate in meetings of the PDA executive members, which include booking public venues on/off UBC campus

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The UBC PDA VP-Finance shall:

  1. Be a Postdoctoral fellow residing in the Life Sciences Institute (due to budget restrictions)
  2. Oversee correct use and spending of the UBC PDA budget and liaise with Life Science Institute (LSI) admin staff
  3. Help organize events (3-Minute Postdoc Slam, Postdoctoral Research Day, seminars in general)
  4. Serve as the LSI Postdoc representative on the Life Sciences Institute Steering Committee (meets once a month)

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Executive Committee Members:

These volunteers are non-elected and serve as helpers.

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PDA Postdoc Talks: 16 February 2016

Details for the event:
The Railway Club – 579 Dunsmuir St. at Seymour
Tuesday, November 16th at 7:00pm
RSVP for our event here

Postdoctoral researchers are critical to the research performed at academic institutions. UBC ‘Postdoc Talks’ is a public forum that will allow you to learn more about what postdocs do in an engaging, informal and fun atmosphere. Everyone is welcome, so share the word with your friends and family!

Please click on the links below for more details regarding our two speakers and their talks! Follow the links for a summary of the speakers’ presentations.
Dr. Timo Schaefer:
Liberalism as Utopia: Mexico in the Age of Revolution, 1820-1846
Dr. Britt Drögemöller:
A genetic prescription – using genomics to personalize medicine

Featured Postdoc: Dr. Britt Drögemöller


Postdoc Talk Event:
16 February 2016 (7 PM)
The Railway Club
All welcome
More details
Postdoc Talk Title:
“A genetic prescription – using genomics to personalize medicine”

What causes some people to experience severe side effects from therapeutic drug treatments? The answers may lie hidden in their genetic code. Join the discussion on how we can move genomics research from the bench to the bedside to develop safer and more effective treatments.

Britt Drögemöller received a PhD from Stellenbosch University in South Africa, where she was a L’Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science Fellow. In 2014, Britt moved to UBC to start a postdoc at the Canadian Pharmacogenomics Network of Drug Safety and is currently funded by the Child and Family Research Institute.

Featured Postdoc: Dr. Timo Schaefer


Postdoc Talk Event:
16 February 2016 (7 PM)
The Railway Club
All welcome
More details

Postdoc Talk Title:
“Liberalism as Utopia: Mexico in the Age of Revolution, 1820-1846”

Legal equality is a principle that Canadians – and citizens of many other constitutional democracies – tend to take for granted. But what does it take to create a legal system that treats people as equals? This talk will describe efforts to introduce egalitarian legal institutions in Mexico after its independence from Spain and the strategies of opposition adopted by adherents of the hierarchical social relations of the old regime.

Timo Schaefer received his Ph.D. from Indiana University at Bloomington and is now a SSHRC-funded postdoctoral fellow in the UBC Department of History. His dissertation, “The Social Origins of Justice: Mexico in the Age of Utopian Failure, 1821-1870,” won the 2015 Council of Graduate Schools/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award in the Category Humanities and Fine Arts.

PDA SOCIAL: Bowling Sat 20 February

Join us for some Bowling on Saturday 20 February at 7:00 pm at Commodore Lanes.

Cost: $7.50 per person (1 hour of game time) + $2.50 for shoe rental.
Significant others are welcome.

RSVP by Wednesday 10 February. We have booked two lanes, so places will be based on a first come first serve basis and payment is required in order to secure your place. You can pay $10 by email transfer (details for this are in the notification that you will receive after RSVPing) or by contacting us to organize alternate payment.

You can add this event to your Google Calendar by clicking on the button below. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the entire calendar, with all our events, here!

POSTDOC SOCIAL: Annual Whistler Trip 18-20 March

Get away from it all and experience the pristine beauty of Whistler as we head out on our annual PDA Whistler Trip. Join us on the third weekend in March for our some skiing/snowboarding/cross country followed by good fun and company in the evenings at the Alpine Lodge, where we will be staying. Significant others are welcome.

Cost for Friday & Saturday night’s accommodation: $120 per person (includes light breakfast and tax).

RSVP by Tuesday 16 February. We have booked 16 beds, so places will be based on a first come first serve basis and payment is required in order to secure your place. You can pay $120 by email transfer (details for this are in the notification that you will receive after RSVPing) or by contacting us to organize alternate payment. Unfortunately refunds after the 16th of February date will not be possible.

Make sure to RSVP early as spots book up quickly! You can also organize your own accommodation and we’ll let arrange to meet with you so that you don’t miss out on the fun.

Pass and equipment info:
You are responsible for purchasing your ski pass and/or equipment rentals. If you purchase an Edge Card online 48 hours in advance you can save up to $20. A 1-day edge card costs $99 versus $119 for regular window ticket rate. More info here. Discounted ski/snow board rentals are available at the Alpine Lodge. Check out the Whistler Blackcomb site for more information relating to passes, rentals and lessons.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

You can add this event to your Google Calendar by clicking on the button below. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the entire calendar, with all our events, here!



Celebrate the start of 2016 and join us for drinks in the fireplace room on Thursday 28 January at 7:00 pm at BierCraft, Wesbrook.

Significant others are welcome. If you are keen to join, sign up here. Visit our website for further details

Please contact us if you have any questions.


You can add this event to your Google Calendar by clicking on the button below. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the entire calendar, with all our events, here!

POSTDOC SOCIAL: Holiday Party Mon 7 December


Join us for our annual Holiday Party on Monday 7 December at 7:00 pm at Nuba, Kitsilano. Celebrate the festive season with your fellow postdocs, while enjoying a delicious Lebanese buffet in the Courtyard private dining room.

Cost: $20.70 per person (plus 5% tax and 18% gratuity)

Dress code: Smart casual with a festive hat

Bring: If you would like to take part in a game of Thieving Secret Santa, please bring one wrapped gender-neutral gift (Value – $10-15)

RSVP by Monday 30 November. Please contact us if you have any questions.

You can add this event to your Google Calendar by clicking on the button below. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the entire calendar, with all our events, here!


Join us for some Canadian Curling on Saturday 21 November at 2:00 pm at Marpole Curling Club. After hitting the ice, we will move upstairs for some celebratory drinks.

Cost: $22.50 per person (incudes instruction and 2 hours of game time).
Significant others are welcome.

RSVP by Wednesday 11 November. We have booked two sheets of ice so places will be based on a first come first serve basis.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

You can add this event to your Google Calendar by clicking on the button below. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the entire calendar, with all our events, here!

PDA Postdoc Talks: 17 November 2015

Details for the event:
The Railway Club – 579 Dunsmuir St. at Seymour
Tuesday, November 17th at 7:00pm
RSVP for our event here

Postdoctoral researchers are critical to the research performed at academic institutions. UBC ‘Postdoc Talks’ is a public forum that will allow you to learn more about what postdocs do in an engaging, informal and fun atmosphere. Everyone is welcome, so share the word with your friends and family!

Please click on the links below for more details regarding our two speakers and their talks!
Dr. Brianne Kent:
Why we haven’t cured Alzheimer’s disease
Dr. Lars Kotthoff:
Engineering the Rise of the Machines