
PDA Seminar Series: Pursuing Academic and Industry Careers in the Life Sciences

Are you a PhD graduate looking to transition into a professional appointment suited to your skills, interests, and objectives? Have difficulty developing your professional profile in an a way that conveys your full value for a faculty position or a position in industry?

The UBC Postdoctoral Association has started a seminar series for postdoctoral fellows and research associates. Graduate students are more than welcome.

Join us during UBC Learning Week 2014 for our inaugural event!


Date: October 28, 2014
Time: 4:30 – 6:30pm
Location: Life Sciences Centre, 2350 Health Sciences Mall, Room LSC3

This seminar will provide information on:

  • how branding your professional profile is important as you move towards your next career milestone
  • how to prepare an outstanding application for a faculty position in the life sciences
  • how hiring managers in industry choose the best candidates from among a sea of applicants

Join us for a practical and interactive session with Dr. Grace Lee, Dr. Michael Gold, Ms. Nilly Razavi, and Dr. Brian Duff.

Dr. Grace Lee is a postdoctoral fellow at the National Core for Neuroethics, President of the UBC Postdoctoral Association and a PhD career peer coach. Her research focuses on pursuing purpose-driven relationships with stakeholders in health care and health policy. She has led many seminars on developing career objectives, effective networking, and the pursuit of non-academic career options. She is a marketing entrepreneur and Communications Chairperson for the Vancouver Board of Trade Small Business Council.  She values outside-the-box thinking, collaboration, and active networking within and outside academia.

Dr. Michael Gold is Head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at UBC. His research is focused on understanding how the cytoskeleton regulates B-cell activation.  He was the 2013 winner of the Canadian Society for Immunology’s Cinader award for contributions to immunology.  As department Head, he has hired five faculty members and will provide insights about the selection and interview processes for faculty positions.

Dr. Brian Duff is Training Manager at The Centre for Drug Research and Development (CDRD).  In this role, Brian manages the design, development and delivery of a Multidisciplinary Training in Drug Development Program which is aimed at creating Canada’s next generation of leading drug developers. He strives to provide CDRD Trainees with the multi-faceted toolkit required to take on leading positions in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries.  Brian encourages all young Post-Docs to enhance their online presence through the strategic use of social media, to actively network and to seek out perfectly-aligned mentors who will help guide them in their early careers.

UBC Postdoc Research Day: Registration new open!

Our next annual event is coming up on September 17 at the Life Sciences Centre. We are committed to improving your postdoctoral experience at UBC by providing opportunities for you to showcase your work and engage with faculty, staff, and peers.

All postdoctoral fellows, research associates, PhD students, faculty and staff are welcome. Our event invites guests and participants from all departments in academia and industry.

Please join us for a series of talks, interdisciplinary posters, and a reception with food and beverage. For more information on this event and how to contact us, see the flyer below.

Registration is now open at THIS LINK. Please help us to spread the word!

Research Day Flyer

Kayaking Trip: Saturday August 23, 2014, 11:00am

KayakTripJoin us for our upcoming Kayaking Trip on Saturday August 23 2014, 11:00am.





We are going to Deep Cove in North Vancouver, 30 minutes away from downtown. Rental rates include equipment and assistance from instructors at the Deep Cove kayaking centre.

Weekend Rates (minimum 7 participants, rates subject to 5% GST):

  • Double kayak: $45 for 2 hours, $10 for each additional hour
    (e.g. $45 for 2 hours; $55 for 3 hours; $65 for 4 hours)
  • Single kayak: $55 for 2 hours, $10 for each additional hour
    (e.g. $55 for 2 hours; $65 for 3 hours; $75 for 4 hours)
  • Stand up paddle board: $45 for 1.5 hours or $50 for 2 hours

Limited number of participants for each, so sign up ASAP!

Questions? Interested in joining?
Email Elisa ( by August 9 and provide the following:

  1. Full name and email
  2. I want to rent a kayak: SINGLE / DOUBLE
  3. I want to rent the equipment for: 1/2/4 hours
  4. I would like to meet the PDA group in downtown Vancouver to travel together by transit: YES / NO

See you all on August 23rd!

Postdoctoral Research Day Announcement

SAVE THE DATE for the Postdoctoral Research Day hosted by the UBC PDA

All postdocs, research associates, PhD students, and faculty are welcome.


When: Wed Sept 17, 2:00pm-6:00pm (with food and beverage to follow)
Where: UBC Life Sciences Centre, Room LSC3 and West Atrium

This event will be an opportunity for interested participants to showcase their work, meet peers, and increase their visibility! Registration to present a talk or a poster will open in mid-August. Stay tuned for more details on our website, Twitter, or Facebook page.

Interested guests can send their questions to

Please help distribute widely! We look forward to strengthening connections within the research community.

PDA Day of Hiking at Two Canyon Loop, July 12, 2014

Thank you to the hikers who trekked the distance and made the morning spectacular!


Postdocs, are you free Saturday July 12th and looking for a great way to enjoy the summer outdoors?

The PDA has organized a scenic hike in the North Shore Two Canyon Loop which will take you through both Lynn Canyon and the Seymour River Canyon passing waterfalls, a suspension bridge, and scenic views along the way.

We will take public transit to the trail.  We will meet at the Seabus Terminal in Waterfront downtown Vancouver at 9am.  The Seabus will take us to the North Shore Lonsdale Quay. We will then take bus#228 from the Seabus Terminal to the trail.   

At the end of the hike, we will stop for lunch at the Ecology Centre Cafe.

If you would like to join us please email Miranda with “PDA Hike” in the email subject line.



Recap: 2014 Three-Minute Postdoc Slam

On May 8 2014, the UBC Postdoctoral Association organized the annual 3-Minute Postdoc Slam, a friendly competition for cash prizes where contestants have exactly 3 minutes to showcase their research to an interdisciplinary audience. The event was entertained by fellows from UBC main campus, BC Cancer Agency, Children & Women’s Health Centre, and Vancouver Prostate Centre. It would not be possible to cover all of the impactful work from all the presentations, but here is an outline of the program:

  1. Jason Barker from Forest and Conservation Sciences: 3 Minute Guide to Root Decomposition
  2. Ainara Garde from Electronic and Computer Engineering in Medicine: The Phone Oximeter: A Screening Tool for Sleep Apnea in Children
  3. Geetanjali Kharmate from Vancouver Prostate Centre: EXOSOMES: The Tiny Big Thing!!
  4. Evgeniy Panzhinskiy from Cellular and Physiological Sciences: Diabetes and Stress
  5. Zoe Riches from Pharmaceutical Sciences: Drug Metabolising Enzymes: The Good, the Bad, and the UGTs
  6. Nichollas Scott from Centre for High Throughput Biology: Cataloging the Composition of Protein Complexes in a System Wide Manner
  7. Nancy Soontiens from Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences: Storm Surges in the Strait of Georgia
  8. Christopher West from ICORD: From Rodent to Rehab: Exercise Improves Heart Health in Spinal Cord Injury
  9. Cole Vonder Haar from Psychology: Assessing Cognitive Dysfunction in a Rodent Model of Traumatic Brain Injury
  10. Yin Zhe Ma from Physics and Astronomy: What is Cosmology?

We were grateful to our three judges, who chose the winners based on the mastery of 3 components: demonstrated comprehension, audience engagement, and effective communication. Our judges were Vinay Kamat from the department of anthropology, Stuart Bowyer from the Life Sciences Institute, and Laura Cabrera from the department of neurology.

The first place winner of $150 was Christopher West. Runners up ($50) were Ainara Garde, Evgeniy Panzhinskiy, and Nancy Soontiens.

The winner of the best Tweet during the event was Doug Latornell, who tweeted: “Roots decomposing, phone app for apnia, exosomes, stressed beta cells, enzymes, oh my! #postdocs #3MPS @UBCPostdoc”


We have posted the photos to this event on our Facebook page.

We invite you to like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter @UBCPostdoc to stay up to date on this event and more.

Koerner’s Pub on Wednesday, December 11th

Dear Postdocs and friends,

Come and join your colleagues and crowd Koerner’s Pub on Wednesday, December 11th from 6 PM until closing. This is a great opportunity for UBC Postdocs and friends to meet new and familiar faces …and to try the uncanny, yet taste bud-tantilizing PHO NATCHOS.

Please let us know you’re coming by adding your name to the Google Docs form BEFORE THE END OF THURSDAY and we’ll see you there. The link to the form is here:

NOTE: Space is limited so get there early!



Would you like more information on the PDA or Koerner’s Pub? Please see the following links:

* UBC Postdoctoral Association:

** Koerner’s Pub:


Postdoc Research Day 2013

3rd Annual Postdoctoral Research Day

is only 4 days away!!!


Register to attend the day and subsequent reception afterwards, can be done here:


Friday, August 23rd, 2013

Life Sciences Centre on UBC Point Grey Campus

12:15 PM – 7 PM



12.15-12.30 – Lunch                                         LSC 3

12.30-3.30 – Talks (with coffee break)        LSC 3

3.30-4.00 – Keynote: Dr Sid Katz                  LSC 3

4.00-7.00 – Poster viewing + Reception   LSC West Atrium


Keynote Speaker: Dr Sid Katz, UBC

“Confessions of a University Lifer”

Sid Katz arrived at UBC in 1975 as an Assistant Professor in the Division of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and almost 38 years later is still here. His career path, though, has hardly been a usual one. Not only did he pursue a parallel career as a science and medicine broadcaster on CBC Radio and CTV, he also became CEO of Science World in Vancouver and, in 1997, the Ontario Science Center in Toronto, all while maintaining his research lab at UBC. In his talk, Sid will provide insight into his eclectic career and provide a guide to survival as a University Professor/Researcher.


Please join us for talks, posters, and a wine and cheese reception.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at this event!





3 Minute Postdoc Slam!

3 Minute Postdoc Slam

Thursday May 23rd, 2013 at 4:00pm

Room LSC3 in the Life Sciences Institute

You have 3 minutes to present your work and your research ideas, with the help of one static Powerpoint slide! The competition will be judged (see criteria) and the top presenters will be awarded magical prizes! The presentations will be followed by a reception.

If you would like to participate, please register by sending an email to with:





We will ask for presentation titles and will send out more details later.  For now, here are the rules:

  • A single static PowerPoint slide is permitted (no slide transitions, animations or ‘movement’ of any description)
  • No additional electronic media (e.g. sound and video files) are permitted
  • No additional props (e.g. laser pointers, costumes, laboratory equipment or musical instruments) are permitted
  • Presentations are limited to 3 minutes maximum.
  • Note that raps, singing, poems, dance, and creative motion are allowed.  Your slide must be static, but you don’t have to be!