After the PE lesson we had with BC WheelChair Sports, playing wheelchair rugby and tennis and basketball, I have a new found respect for those athletes. The amount of work and dedication it takes to perform those sports and not be physically or mentally exhausted is tremendous! My arms were so sore after the first activity. It was a great learning activity and experience as I would have had difficulty incorporating physically disabled bodies into the curriculum. I have always been an advocate for inclusion and equality so I always had the notion of making sure everyone was involved as the forefront to my learning and understanding. But I realized that incorporating people in wheelchairs in PE is a difficult task in order to not make it too challenging for them or too boring for the other students. The organization left us with great advice and knowledge as to how to bring every student into PE and to be physically active in their lives. They provided excellent resources and skills that I will use in my classroom now, and in the future as a well to make sure it is all inclusive. My classroom is going to be a place where all bodies of all abilities are welcomed and included in every activity. This is a personal and deep topic for me so I am excited to have this new knowledge and bring it to the topic.
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Agreed. I have a pretty firm grasp of social justice and inclusion but it lies mostly in the realm of theory. It is good to see the practical application of this theory in a PE classroom setting. After seeing other classes who attempted to incorporate wheelchair sports into the curriculum by letting fully physically capable students roll around on office chairs, it is comforting to know that there are resources such as Wheelchair Sports BC out there to aid in the development of physical literacy and inclusion of all students.
I thought that this class was possibly the most physically and mentally stimulating of the entire semester. I realize what a great arm workout wheelchair sports are and that when I am mobile there is a novelty value to the workout that I find fascinating. I must remain cognizant though that these chairs are not novelty items, but rather mobility devices for those who are differently abled.