Movement Journal post on gymnastic and dance-Katy Machut

The two groups for gymnastics and dance did a great job this week! I really think that everyone did a very job in taking under consideration skill level and safety. For example, each activity was constructed in a way that would ensure student success and prevent frustrations.

Dance: The dance moves were nicely scaffolded so that we could slowly learn the moves over the course of the morning.

Gymnastics: the setup was done in such a way to ensure maximum safety around each station. Further, we were able to practice a variety of skills that were not normally associated with gymnastics. for instance, jumping with 1 foot into each of the hoola hoops in a particular order.

I also found it useful to use the app called “team shake” to allow all names to be randomized to allow for easy selection of teams. I don’t normally associate PE with technology, so it was a learning opportunity to hear some of the opportunities of how I as a teacher could incorporate it in this subject.

I also think I will use the egg-chicken-dinosaur game in my classroom in the future because this game fosters a sense of community and it is a lot of fun!

Session 7 (Gymnastics & Dance) – October 31, 2015 Movement Journal Post

The two groups that presented on Friday both did a really good job and kept the whole class very energized! First off, the Gymnastics group that presented first had great structure and organization in the facilitation of their activities. I also really liked that from the beginning, the emphasis on safety was placed. In this way, the group was able to address one of the guiding questions about safe and inclusive environments. By separating into groups, there was also a team atmosphere that was really encouraging, as everyone had really great positive attitudes. The group was also able to address gymnastics with limited resources, simulating a PE environment that we as TCs may encounter at some point in our practicums or future teaching endeavors.

The second group-teach was on Dance, which was the perfect way to close out the PE lesson. It was a very high-energy lesson and teamwork (with some healthy competition, ie. Dance battles) was encouraged, much like the previous group-teach. Personally based on my experiences in the past, dance units were never my forte. I never enjoyed it and never fully participated/expressed myself. In all honesty, yesterday’s group-taught lesson may have been the first time I fully engaged with a dance lesson (big props to the group for encouraging the high energy!). I learned that through dance, students are able to express themselves and understand their own bodily movement. At the same time, this practices spatial awareness.

Great job to both groups!


I went to a very informative Physical Education workshop during our Pro-D Day. Dr. Joanna Sheppard gave a really interesting key note lecture on physical literacy, which was a great addition to what we have learned in PE class. During the yoga workshop I learned about a really amazing app called coaches eye and iyoga. With these apps you can edit an instructional video and add lines and circles to demonstrate proper posture on the yoga poses, or other sports. With the app you can review the student’s movement and use the lines and circles to show the correct positioning throughout the movement. Some great tips I learned about teaching yoga to children are to relate the positions to animals, as well as the use of stories during yoga to work through a sequence of yoga positions and to make them fun and interactive.

I also went to a dance class and I learned some really fun and interactive ways to get students moving. Similar to the yoga, there was a game that involved acting out the movements of a story. The instructor starts to describe a story, while suggesting movements such as running away from a bear, hiding behind a tree, ducking under a branch, jumping over logs, swatting bugs and other memorable and fun movements. Another fun story is acting out a skit, such as waking up in the morning, jumping out of bed, turning off the alarm, brushing teeth, dressing, running to school etc. For older children an idea is to recreate a historical event through movements and dance. Another unique game was Dance Tetris, although it sounded a bit difficult to act out the Tetris pieces, interlock and switch places with a team mate. The last game we tried was the Mirror Game, where two people stand facing each other and one person copies the movements of the other person, as though they were a reflection in a mirror.


Ally’s Movement Journal – Oct. 28

You probably know by now that I’m not much of a dancer. Despite 8 years of classical ballet training I don’t have much of a sense of rhythm nor do my limbs seem to coordinate themselves particularly gracefully.

I’d really love to be a PE teacher, but one of the things that makes me apprehensive about following this dream is that I’d have to teach dance. I managed to get through PE dance lessons by hiding in the back, but that’s not an option when I’m the one teaching it!

Aiming to solve this problem, I went on a hunt and found this great resource about teaching dance in PE:

SPARK PE’s Tips for Teaching Dance in PE

I LOVE that the first thing they say is to start small. That’s manageable. I can do that. I even already know the Pata Pata (thanks Ms. DL & the grade 1s!)

I also love all the ways they integrate media and pop culture into their suggestions. I know that as a child I was always more excited to do something when there was a video or multimedia component to it; hopefully this is still the case for today’s kids.

This week’s dance lesson was a great example of how to “hand the heavy lifting” over to your students. While the teachers demonstrated the steps, they weren’t in front the whole time, which handed the responsibility over to us but also took them out of the spotlight, which is key for me if I were to teach dance. I loved the way the iPads were integrated into the lesson, and I think this would be awesome for a whole unit for students to see their progress from the first time they tried the dance to the end of the unit.

Thanks to this week’s teachers!

Week 7 Group B post – (I felt like I needed to reflect this week instead of reply to someone because gymnastics is an area I am really uncomfortable with)

This week I was very nervous to come to class and participate in gymnastics. I am not that flexible and cannot do cartwheels. When I think about gymnastics, I am thinking about swinging on ropes and jumping up high, spinning, and twirling. When I was in grade 1 and 2 we went on field trips to do gymnastics and I loved it, but somewhere in between I lost my abilities to participate in gymnastics. This happened because none of my teachers incorporated gymnastics into our physical educational experience. It is unfortunate this happened because now it is so hard for me to love and enjoy gymnastics. Nonetheless, I am so glad we had a class based on gymnastics because a lot of my fears disappeared.

I never thought log rolls, shoulder rolls, modified cartwheels, etc. was apart of the gymnastic experience. Throughout this lesson, I found myself smiling, laughing, and really having a great time! The worksheet we received outlines the differences between professional gymnastics and educational gymnastics. I think I have only viewed gymnastics in the professional way, whereas educational gymnastics meets the needs of all students. I also appreciated how some activities were “challenge by choice” because this did not pressure me into doing a movement that made me feel uncomfortable. Now I have a new perspective of how I will introduce gymnastics to the classroom to a variety range level of skill levels the students may possess.

educ320 gymnastics pe

This image displays my positive emotions: happiness, joy, and adventure seeking.

October 30th: Dance & Gymnastics!

Today’s lessons were both tonnes of fun and very inspirational in terms of future practice.

I wished we could have danced for a lot more time; it was so enjoyable.  We learned some group moves but had just the right amount of free expression too.   On the whole, the integration of different movements flowed very well.  I’d love to teach this lesson myself!

Gymnastics was challenging and supportive.  One thing I appreciated was the whole educational focus: learning and acquisition of skill concepts, suitable for larger classes like the ones we’ll be teaching.  All of the stations were enjoyable, and there was enough support to help us challenge ourselves.

Reflection on Outdoor Education

The outdoor education lesson has been my favourite thus far! Although I found myself thoroughly exhausted after the instant activity, Lexi, Jackie, Brianna and Katy were able to craft a relaxing, yet still active, workshop for us all to take part in. The weather could not have painted a better picture of how much value an outdoor lesson can have. On my practicum, I have been lucky enough to be in several PE classes that have gone outdoors. In one of those classes two teachers and I led the grade sevens through a bootcamp activity reminiscent of the instant activity. The kids loved it and we did too. This approach will definitely be something that I will be looking to do over my practicum.

Group A Week #3 and post #3 (Team Teach)

Group A 

Week #3 Post 3

October 30, 2015
Guiding questions:
* What is physical literacy?
This was our day to team teach and my contribution to the group was to read the chapters and do a summary of the above. This is my summary of physical literacy Chapter 13 Teaching Physical Education Today Canadian Perspectives, Daniel B. Robinson & Lynn Randall
Dawn Wilson – September 24, 2015
Physical literacy is no mind-from-body separation and consider the holistic physical, mental and emotional development of the physically active child.
Shift the subject of PE from a prescribed activity-centered performance model to a person-centered participation model.
Physical literacy stems from three dimensions: Cognitive, Motor (movement) & Affect (social, emotional, spiritual)
Four key indicators of physical literacy: Functional capacities (function), Contextualized capabilities (form), Expressive possibilities (feeling), Flow consciousness (flow)
Expanding PE to include alternative activities such as hiking, climbing or even hula-hooping. Get students to try new things and expose those who may be less athletic a chance to succeed. PE was more focused in teaching athletic sports we have now moved to “physical literacy as the characteristic of a physically literate individual that moves with poise, economy and confidence in a wide variety of physically challenging situations.
I quite enjoyed learning more about this and realizing that PE has REALLY changed! The various activities that we can include and there are many different activities we can use. My initial thought was the way we could include some of traditional practices into PE. Imagine that our ancestors paddled every where! So many outdoor activities that we could have included. In terms of our lesson delivery, a few things I could have personally improve on: directions delivery, time of activities, set up outside, use of whistle. Overall I found the lesson prep and delivery quite enjoyable.

Week 7 – Group A Reflection

Group A 

Week #7 Post 4
October 30, 2015
Guiding questions:
* What ideas are used to create a safer, inclusive and respectful environment?
Interesting that I am writing this post tonight. My first full day of practicum in the classroom and observing the entire day of activities. (The other three days were on field trips). The teacher is responsible for teaching PE, as the PE teacher of 20+ years retired and now the PE classes are the responsibility of the teacher. They were wrapping up their unit on soccer and today was final evaluation day to see what skills the students have mastered and continue to use. The class started with a “talk” about safety, followed by warm-up and alternating games of soccer with 4 team. Two teams played against each other for three minute intervals. During the course of the class, one student got hit in the face with the soccer ball, two students slipped, another took a blow to her stomach area. 

As discussed in our class, it is so important to go over safety with students and especially in a place like Mount Pleasant where the gym is very small and your only option is to sit on benches on the side lines. I almost got hit at one point. My point is, it is a great responsibility to take on with students and to teach them the importance of technique, i.e. in terms of soccer to stop the ball before kicking, not bunching up, passing, team work, etc. In our small groups I asked about earth quake this has crossed my mind as well! I am a guest at this school and I do not know the safety procedures should this happen. Safety has been on mind every since and the importance of monitoring and doing our part as the teacher to ensure students are safe. I am also thinking about my long practicum in January and the possible lesson plans that I will need to develop carry out.

October 30th Reading summary (Jessica, Rebecca, Iris, Cheryl)

Textbook: Chapter 15

  • This chapter shares ideas about, and proposes options on, how technology may be appropriately integrated into the school physical education program.
  • PE is often not a teacher’s first thought when it comes to bringing technology into the classroom.
  • Digital literacy: the skills and knowledge to use a variety of digital media software applications and hardware devices such as a computer, mobile phone and internet technology
  • It is important that students are taught to think critically about online content and evaluate their own behaviour against a set of shared social values.
  • Chapter 15 provides a number of useful apps that you may use to bring technology into your PE class. (See the handout provided for more detail).
  • You may also want to consider using different devices in your class. Some might include:
    • Pedometers, accelerometers, heart rate monitors (help with things that are often hard to measure)
    • Geocaching: world wide game of hide and seek treasure hunt style. Great for outdoors in PE. Search for cache with GPS and find what people have left behind.

Article 1 & 2: Laying a foundation:Basic Building Blocks, and Teaching elements of Choreography

  • These articles focus on what goes into a good dance lesson and some important skills for dancing.
    • A good warm up
      • Move each joint, aerobic movement that brings blood to a flow and stretching large muscle groups.
    • Main activity
      • Introduce a movement skill (ex.lunge), introduce a movement element (expression)
      • Create a movement pattern or sequence using skill
      • explore use of movement skills and elements
    • Cool down
      • Calm time to get breathing under control
      • Students and teachers can reflect on the lesson of the day.
  • When teaching choreography in dance it is important to have students understand that dance is a way to express yourself.
    • Work on originality in your dance(ex. strike a pose and then change one aspect to be different)
    • Transitions are important. Understanding how to get from one movement to the next
    • Dances tell a story, there is a beginning middle and end and it is in the way you express yourself with your movements and facial expressions that give life to your story.

Article 3 Hip-Hop Sport Education

  • Middle school teacher used a sports education model to teach a Dance unit.
    • This meant that: Longer unit, students were members of a dance team, formal competition, kept records, festivity involved.
    • Class was split into 3 dance teams who each came up with a name, poster and logo
    • Positions given out were: coach, captain, publicist, judge and dance council
    • Teacher gives initial instruction on basic skills and then turns it over to students to create a routine.
    • Teacher offers help throughout, offers guiding questions such as “what possible formation could you start in? do you want to me close or far apart?” and as a last resort the teacher would demonstrate different moves
    • Finally there was a competition.
    • Teacher comments that students were so excited that they ended up petitioning to have a dance team at their school

Article 4 Self-assessment in creative dance

  • There are 3 areas to consider when assessing creative dance
    • Activating prior knowledge
      • Must link current knowledge to new tasks
      • Use ideas and interpretations students already have in their head
      • Suggested that you might read familiar poems or picture books to provoke students creative thinking
    • Facilitating active creation
      • Must guide students and help them elaborate on their original ideas
      • Offer open ended tasks and encourage a variety of creative movements
    • Facilitating self-regulated refining
      • Must engage students in problem-solving and critical thinking
      • Teachers may provide cues that help make students movements clearer
      • Students are also encouraged to self-evaluate to gain a better understanding of where they are at.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you seen teachers during your practicum use technology in the classroom? Was the technology used in PE?

2. Have you considered how you would like to incorporate technology in your physical education program? Ideas for your two week?

3. What do you think of using a sports education model to teach dance?