Dance lesson plan (Jessica, Rebecca, Iris, Cheryl)

Unit: Dance   Grade: 3/4
Date: October 30, 2015 Title: “Whip nae nae”
Lesson duration  30 minutes
PURPOSE (Big ideas) To practice locating yourself in a safe space

To use movement skills to express our emotions and creative self through dance

PLO’s (Content)


Students will learn:


1.   Proper technique for fundamental movement skills (locomotor)

2. Movement concepts (spatial and body awareness)

3. How to participate in different types of physical activities such as rhythmic activities



Students will demonstrate by:


1. Incorporating movements learned in activity 1 into activity 2

2. Being aware of the space around them and when it is safe to move

3. Using the fundamental skills taught (lunges, jumping jacks etc.) to relocate themselves in new spaces in the gym

5. Combining everything into a final dance

SWBAT (Curricular competencies)[students will be able to…]
  1. Develop and apply a variety of fundamental movement skills in a variety of physical activities and environments
  2. Apply a variety of movement concepts and strategies in different physical activities
  3. Develop and demonstrate safety, fair play, and leadership in physical activities
  • Rhythmic ribbons or scarves
  • Music
  • Speakers
  • Shakers
Elements of the lesson Estimated Time Instruction
Opener (the hook)  


2 Minute

  • Ask students if they know/ have heard about the whip nae nae dance. If someone does maybe they could should us a move..if not we may show a move as a hook.
  • By the end of this lesson you will know a few moves for the dance!
  • Safety instructions and whistle cues.
Warm up activity

  • Popcorn dance

3-5 minutes

  • Everyone grabs a ribbon, scarf or shaker.
  • Start off in a little ball (kernel) of popcorn
  • Once the music starts, slowly start ‘popping’ as the music speeds up students begin moving to the beat of the song and expressing themselves by moving (dancing) around the gym.

20 seconds


Blow whistle twice to signal that students need to meet back in the center of the gym.
Activity 1

  • 4 corner animal game

5-10 minutes

  • Each corner will be given an animal and each animal will have an action.

–       Bear: all fours crawl

–       Starfish: jumping jack

–       Lemur: high knees

–       Tiger: lunges

  • Ms. Ramberg will be calling out two different animals at once and students standing in those animal corners must then move to the other group’s corner.
  • Students must only use the action that their corners animal does while moving.
  • Students are encouraged to be expressive and portray the specific animal in their facial expressions, and body movement.
  • If students hear the music come on. They are to stop where they are and practice the ‘whip nae nae’ move.
  • Ms. Ramberg will demonstrate each action and move before the students are grouped off.
Activity 2

  • Whip nae nae dance

8 minutes

  • Ms. Leclerc will be leading the class in the full dance routine.
  • Students will be informed that we are looking to see them try each move that we learned at least once and after that they are welcome to follow along with Ms. Leclerc or interpret the dance they way they feel comfortable.
  • It will be made clear that there is more than one right way to dance and it is about expressing yourself and doing what feels comfortable.

  • Create your own move

3 minutes

  • Ms. Naka will split the group into two. (or 4?)
  • Each group will be given 2 minutes to create a new action/move to replace the starfish jumping jack.
  • Two groups at a time the music will be played and each group will show off their knew dance move.
TRANSITION 20 seconds Blow the whistle twice and students will return to the centre for the cool down.
Cool down and closure

  • Lana Del Ray-Video Games

5 minutes

  • Ms. Hall will lead the students in a cool down activity.
  • This will involve stretching out the muscles used during class
  • While stretching, reflection and further thinking questions will be asked to the students (I.e. Are there any other songs you would like to learn moves to? Did anyone have a favourite animal move today?)

Outdoor Education / Alternate Environments – Movement Journal Post

Last week’s outdoor P.E class was fantastic!! It will definitely be a class that I will always remember. I thought that  Jackie, Lexi, Brianna and Katy did such a wonderful job of leading the class. They were very organized, and everything flowed and transitioned very nicely.

I really enjoyed the different stations that the group had set up, and that each station had a different focus. This shows that outdoor education is holistic, and does not necessarily mean it has to always be active. For instance, I really enjoyed the art station where we created images out of natural materials. This could also transition into a math class where you have students looking at patterns, or perhaps even ratios (how many pine cones to leaves does your image have?) !

I think that many teachers are a bit hesitant to take their students outside for fear of not being able to control the students, or for not being able to keep track of where all the students are. However, if the expectations are clearly stated before the students go outside, then taking the class outside, should be a beneficial experience for both the students and the teachers. Plus, I think that the more going outside becomes a routine, the more likely students will respect and understand the teachers expectations.

Outdoor education is definitely something I would really like to incorporate into my teaching style, so this was such a wonderful way to feel inspired!

Awesome job Jackie, Lexi, Brianna and Katy!!

Week 7 Group B: Gymnastics! (I decided to reflect, not comment) :)

Gymnastics was so fun! I have never been able to do a cartwheel and I actually get really dizzy doing rolls and spins, but I still had such a blast. The Disney music, this amazing cohort and excellent instruction from Stephen were probably all huge factors. Anyway, after reading the chapters this week I was feeling very daunted by the legalities that teachers face, and especially P.E. teachers. There are so many risks to consider while teaching physical activity and gymnastics seems to be one of the most accident-prone of all. I think the obvious ways to avoid risk are being really vigilant about teaching safety before each class, getting consistent routines in place around the way the kids behave on and around the equipment, ensuring you are able to see the entire space as much as possible and creating a stop signal that allows the students to finish what they’re doing before stopping.

Something that I took away from this class was the range of activities and movements you could teach your students with little to no equipment. For the younger grades, especially, you could teach all those travelling movements (skipping, hopping, leaping, side-stepping), the spinning movements and balancing movements without anything other than mats. I liked the idea of creating our own tableau after we learned the movements or creating our own routine. I would be excited to try something like this with students during Practicum. I really appreciated this lesson, as many schools do not have access to all the equipment we saw in the gymnastics space on Tuesday.

Outdoor Lesson – Movement Journal Post

I thought the last week’s outdoor lesson was so much fun! It really got us moving around and they made such good use of their resources! UBC is such a great place and there is an abundance of area and resources nearby! I don’t know why we didn’t go outside sooner! I thought they implemented and integrated the First People’s Principles really well; regardless if that was their intent or not. But just being outdoors and conversing while studying the nature and other environmental elements really brought that to life. I think we should all strive to bring various aspects of the outdoors into our lesson as future educators. It will help teach our students on physical literacy, get them out in the fresh air and a simple yet effective way to integrate the First People’s Principle of Learning in our curriculum.

The use of stations in the different areas was a great way for us to move around and to really focus on the specific places we were set it. I think all of the stations were great, but I especially enjoyed Jackie’s station where we were told to make artwork with the nature around us; ie. Leaves, rocks, pine cones. I also thought that balloon station with Brianna was a great way for us to build on our teamwork skills and it was just great fun!

Great job Jackie, Lexi, Brianna and Katy! It was super enjoyable and thanks for getting us outside!

Gymnastics Lesson Plan (Elissa Ky, Alana Westerhof, Jess Downie, Klara Brulhart)

Grade 6- Gymnastics

Lesson Plan Outline:

  1. Shape of the day, and definitions, safety (5 mins)
  2. Group discussion (10-15 mins)
  3. Basic Movement Patterns/Skills (2 mins)
  4. Instant Activity (5 mins)
  5. Haunted Halloween Line Tag (10 mins)
  6. Four stations (8 mins)
  7. Gymnastics Relay (5 mins)
  8. Cool down/ Goodbye Circle (2 mins)


Introduction (5 minutes):


  • “Good morning grade 6, we are excited to continue with our gymnastics unit. We would just like to remind you all of the safety rules”


  1. 1 whistle blow: stop, look at the instructor, and listen for further instructions
  2. 2 whistles: hurry into the center circle quietly, and sit down to wait for further instructions.  Ask for clarity → “Does everyone understand?”
  3. When we are using equipment, we must be mindful of others, and make sure everyone is able to have a turn. While waiting for your turn, keep a safe distance. Equipment that we are not using at the moment will be off-limits.
  4. We will be assessing the class on their individual participation throughout the class, their ability to follow along in the drills as instructed and are able to complete the tasks at their best ability (see assessment at the bottom the lesson plan).


Group Discussion (10-15 minutes):

    • Name students as: Witch (Alana), Zombie (Klara), Vampire (Jess), Ghost (Elissa)


  • Break into groups



Basic Movement Patterns/Skills (2 minutes):

  • Springs: coordinated limb movement to produce force
  • Locomotions: animal movements, jumping
  • Landings: absorption of body force
  • Rotations: centre of gravity
  • Practising a variety of non-locomotor (balancing), locomotor (rolling), and manipulative movement skills
  • Movement concepts (e.g. body awareness, spatial awareness, relationships to/with others and objects)
  • Able to participate in different types of physical activities (e.g. rhythmic activities, game)


Prescribed Learning Outcomes:

  • A1: relate personal physical and emotional health benefits of regular participation to physical activity (eg. energy, endurance, stress managements, fresh air and sunshine when activities are done outside)
  • A2: relate the development of muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility to participation in specific physical activities
  • B1: practise learned non-locomotor, locomotor, and manipulative movement skills in order to improve
  • B4: apply a combination of learned skills to create original sequence, drills, challenges, or games
  • C1: demonstrates safe procedures for specific physical activities
  • C3: demonstrate leadership in respecting individual differences and abilities during physical activity



  • mats
  • benches
  • cones
  • bean bags
  • hula hoops


Instant Activity (5-7 minutes):


  • Blow whistle twice to meet in centre circle


  • Jumping activity:
    • Warm up our bodies and mind by using a progressive coordination activity. Refer to YouTube.
    • Be sure to note that this is a challenging activity and to try their best to keep up. It is okay if they can not complete this warm up flawlessly. It is meant to challenge their brains and bodies.
  • Haunted Halloween Line Tag:
    • Learn the different shapes (V-Sit, Pike sit, Tuck sit, Straddle sit) explain the importance of balance in gymnastics, and use your body to express your character (witch, zombie, vampire, ghost).
    • Explain that once you get tagged, you are not out! Just perform all 4 body shapes on the side of the gym before you join in again. (This works on spatial awareness)
    • Blow whistle once to freeze, then twice to meet in centre circle


4 Stations (8 minutes: 2 minutes/station):


  • Break into 4 groups again and go to each station → Witches (Jess: Balancing), Zombies (Klara: Forward rolls/log rolls), Vampires (Elissa: Bear Walk/Crab walk), Ghosts (Alana: jumping)
  • Blow whistle for freeze after 2 minutes/station. Yell: “STATION ROTATION!”
  • Balancing on Benches:


    1. arrange 4 benches in a square
    2. next student may begin once student in front of them has finished first bench
    3. walking forwards, walking backwards, walking on tippy toes, walking with kicks
  • modifications: walk on lines if benches are too challenging
    1. balancing involves non-locomotor movement and movement concepts. With modifications you can incorporate rotational movement and increase cognitive development.



  • Forward Rolls and Log Rolls:


      1. Rolling down mats one way, coming back on another set of mats doing log rolls
      2. student may begin their turn once first student has finished their forward rolls.
      3. Log rolls may begin once first student is half way down mat.


  • Bear Walk/ Crab Walk with bean bag:


    1. Split group into 3 teams, and line up in front of the three columns of cones (4 cones per column)
    2. Teams begin on the same side, and practice weaving in between cones, starting off  with the bear walk in one direction, and then the crab walk when coming back.
    3. Next, to make it slightly more challenging, bear walk with bean bag tucked under chin, and crab walk with bean bag on stomach → if it falls, stop and place back on stomach
  • modifications: to simplify, remove the number of cones so to lower the difficulty level. Also, remove bean bags if necessary.  


  • Jumping:


  1. Start with students in a circle practicing their jumping and landings. First on one foot, then the other foot. Then focus on two foot jumps forwards and backwards over a line, followed by high jumps and hanging in a motorcycle landing.
  2. arrange hula hoops on the floor for jumping drills (side-to-side one foot jumps, and side-to-side two foot jumps)
  3. Have two stackable vaults set at different heights for the students to jump off of and practice their landings. Focus on their soft motorcycle landings. Making sure the students always feels safe and are not forced to do something they feel uncomfortable doing.
  4. Rotate through the little circuit.


  • Blow whistle to freeze, blow whistle twice to meet in centre circle



Teaching Cues:


  • Balancing on Benches:


      1. balancing arms → “Stretch your arms out like an airplane!”
      2. looking forwards
      3. stretch up high → “Make your body tall and long like a pencil!”
      4. straight legs
      5. one foot in front of the other


  • Forward Rolls & Log Rolls:


      1. tall like a tree, make a tunnel with your body, tuck your chin in, and push your body forwards
      2. “Make your body tall and long like a pencil!”


  • Bear Walk/ Crab Walk:


      1. Keep chin tucked in
      2. long legs and arms
      3. keep stomach up when doing crab walk


  • Jumping:


    1. arm drive
    2. bending knees to absorb impact
    3. motorcycle landing
    4. lower your center of gravity


Closure/ Cooldown (2 minutes):

  • stretching circle
  • goodbye circle  → “Head and shoulders, knees and toes, stretch up high and wave goodbye”


Safety Elements:

  • Equipment is dry, clean, and not broken
  • Secure landing mats
  • Flat landing area
  • Ensure that the athletes shoe laces are tied
  • Dress accordingly for the activity
  • Backpacks
  • Projector
  • Benches

Assessment & Evaluation:

  • Based on effort, participation and behavior which is given through oral feedback, rubric provided at the end of the document


Evaluation Strategies:

  • Each station has a specific skill that will be practiced and will be evaluated by the leading TC
  • The class will be notified before the activity and again at each station.
  • Leading TC’s will provide oral feedback for the students to implement

We were planning on including these additional activities if time permitted.

Gymnastics Routine!:

  • Separate teams into their 4 halloween groups (Witch, Zombie, Ghost, Vampire)
  • Have each group create a 1 minute routine incorporating the body shapes and locomotor movements that they have learned in class.
  • Have each group present their routine to the other groups


Gymnastics Challenge!:

  • Separate teams into their 4 halloween groups (Witch, Zombie, Ghost, Vampire)
  • Have students complete a sequence of activities learned in class by completing the activities with their best technique and creativity skills. This is set up across the gymnasium in groups of four (each group will be completing this on their own). This allows for creativity and incorporating all the new skills they have learned.   
  • Set up equipment:
    • 4 benches → balance across backwards
    • 8 mats (2 per each line) → 1 forward roll, 2 complete rotation log rolls
    • 16 cones (4 per each line) → bear walk bean back under chin through cones
    • 16 hula hoops (4 per each line) → jump like a frog from lily pad to lily pad
  • **Emphasize that this is not a race! We are looking for PROPER form and execution of practiced skills**


Marking Rubric:

Screenshot 2015-11-08 18.58.04

Work Cited:

Gymnastics Assessment. Exported from:

Cool Games & Fun Warm-Ups, YouTube. Exported from:


Gymnastics – Elissa Ky, Alana Westerhof, Jess Downie, Klara Brulhart

Collaborated Reading Summary

Physical Education, Safety and the law:

  • Educators are held to a higher standard – must respect students and treat with care and prudence as if own child

The Law of Torts:

    • The term tort is derived from the Latin word tortus, meaning twisted or crooked,Torts is constantly evolving.- centuries of creation, elaboration, and explanation


  • Tort Law:


    • Definition: civil wrong a person commits against another
  • “The law of torts is concerned with the compensation of losses suffered by private individuals in their legally protected interests, through conduct of others which is regarded as socially unreasonable”
  • Torts is either intentional or unintentional. Intentional tort involves an effort by someone to interfere with or cause harm to another person (i.e. assault, battery, false imprisonment, and mental languish).  Unintentional are usually referred to as negligence.

The Tort of Negligence:

  1. Duty of Care
  2. Breach of the Standard of Care
  3. Damage resulting from a breach of the standard of care

Facilitating inclusion in educational gymnastics. Teaching Elementary Physical Education

  • Techniques in teaching depends on the particular needs of students (e.g. age group, make-up of your class, availability of support staff, equipment, facilities)
  • Adapt and modify instruction to meet various needs of students (promotes success across all ability levels)
  • Instructional Techniques:
    • 1. Instructional Environment
    • 2. Peer Tutors
    • 3. Time and Duration
    • 4. Routines and Rituals
    • 5. Modification Criteria

Teaching within the law: Liability for physical harm and the need for proper risk management

  • understanding one’s legal obligations and potential liability is critical for teachers’ self-preservation
  • risk has 2 dimensions:1. relative chances of something bad occurring 2. the chances that this misfortune will be serious

Duty of Care to Students with Disabilities:

      • 1. paying particular attention to an individual student’s characteristics in determining negligence
      • 2. displayed the usual judicial reluctance to deviate from use of the careful-parent test


  • Defense to Negligence Based on Student Responsibility: Passing the Risk?
  • Question to ask: Are students ever responsible for their own injuries?


      • Voluntary Assumption of Risk: it can be shown that the plaintiff voluntarily assumed the risk that caused his/her injuries
        • students are usually minors which makes the defence much more problematic
        • 1. Must convince court that the activity or the student’s actions giving rise to the injury were “voluntary”
        • 2. It is not enough that the physical risk of the activity be understood and voluntarily assumed → assumption of risk in law also includes the assumption of the legal risks
        • 3. Problem of proving components of consent
      • Contributory Negligence:
        • students are rarely held responsible for their own actions and injuries


  • Managing Risk:


    • coordinated effort to protect an organization’s human, physical, and financial assets
    • 1. Managing physical risk:
    • 2. Managing legal risk

Critical Approaches to Pedagogy

  • Relates to social justice, marginalized groups, inadequacies of power relationships, and influences that impact production of knowledge and teaching practices in schools
  • Challenge status quo and defends ideals of democracy and empowerment of individuals

As educators:

  • Be aware of political, social, cultural landscapes to promote social justice and adopt vision of education based on justice and equality
  • Be critically engaged: speak up, ask reasonable and respectful questions about critical issues to educators and researchers

Cognition and Physical Activity benefits to physical Education

Content Specific Pedagogy for Educational Gymnastics

  1. Establishing an Environment for learning
  2. The Role of Intratask Development
  3. Refining Skills
  4. Demonstration
  5. Questioning

Safety Tips:

  • Establish Protocols
  • Safety Rolls
  • Appropriate Clothing
  • Maintaining Equipment
  • Handling and Moving Equipment
  • Progressive Skill Development
  • Providing Assistance
  • Getting Ready
  • Monitoring Fatigue Level
  • Controlling Access to Equipment
  • Positive Press

Teaching within the Law (Gregory M. Dickinson Reading)

  • Discrimination occurs when differential treatment is based on stereotypical assumptions about persons’ abilities or worth
  • Safety (environment vs disability, physical e.g. head gear vs religion, emotional vs differences in sexuality/sexual orientation)

As educators:

  • Promote respect and tolerance for all the diverse groups, as long as safety, respect, and tolerance – and core curricular requirements are not compromised
  • Be sensible and respectful with diverse groups (e.g. disability, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, sexual orientation)

A respectful and Harassment-free learning Environment

  • Under Canadian Law, students have to right to a learning environment free from discrimination.  
  • Sexual harassment can be defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for favours, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature


Week 7 Gymnastics

This was a great class!

I always loved gymnastics as a kid and would do cartwheels around the field for hours, more often than not I would be doing cartwheels or handstands all day long!
I didn’t know how to approach this as a subject in PE and don’t think I ever did it in my own PE classes but this was a great way to teach gymnastics safely and effectively. I liked the progression activity where we practiced different ways of moving through space (walking, rolling and spinning). This is an accessible definition of gymnastics and one that does not involve twisted ankles and sports injuries. Gymnasts are often seen as very small, elite athletes and it was a lot of fun to play around with gymnastics without the pressure of being an elite athlete. I will definitely try out these lessons in my classes.

The balance activities with partners and in groups was also very effective. Line Tag with bean bag balancing was another great version of tag. Students were engaged just by trying to balance the bean bag and stay on the lines.
The parachute was also a lot fun – can’t wait to do this in practicum!

It was also great to see everyone so happy in this class. There was a lot of cheering and risk taking going on when we all did our own versions of cartwheels, shoulder rolls and log rolls. Great job class!
(Everything I have to say this week is positive!)

Week 7 Post

In today’s P.E. class, we discussed about safety and risk management in teaching. This got me thinking about how I conducted safety measures and solved for risky situation while I was working at daycamps. I will admit that I am probably one of the more explorative type of leader who allow students more options for activities. I think I was able to do this because I made my boundaries and expectations clear to the campers. Another huge reason that allowed me to take bigger risk was the trust that reciprocated between the campers and me. Like we have been discussing all along in our P.E. class, keep assessing your students to know where they are. The interesting thing I discovered was that as time went by, I began performing assessments without even thinking about how I was going to do them. They became second nature to me. However, we must always reflect on our assessments to prevent bias and the possibility of labeling students. On a side note, gym class was an absolute blast. I think the most important lesson we learned today is that no one is too old for Disney music.

Fiona’s Movement Journal (Oct. 27th)

Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to participate in gymnastics in my elementary PE classes before, so the group teach and the activities in the gymnastics room were definitely a new eye-opening experience for me! I really appreciated how the group teach focussed on only one fundamental skill of balance, and was able to come up with a variety of different activities for their demonstration. Being able to balance seems like such a simple task, we do it every day by just walking and standing, but their activities really emphasized how important the concept of balance is among different sports and activities.

I also thought that their circuit activities were well executed and explained. All the exercises required very little equipment, but we were still able to demonstrate the skills properly as individuals and as a team. Also, it was most definitely a plus that we had the opportunity to move the rest of the class to the gymnastics room. Having the lesson in a different environment than we usually do, (with gymnastics, outdoor ed) emphasizes the importance of alternate activities and gives me some ideas that I can use when I am with my students.

Great job Sydney, Sienna, and Maria!

Weekly Journal Post #4

Today we learned about educational gymnastics. I had a great time moving around and exploring the space, and especially enjoyed playing with the parachute and planning our group dance. One of the guiding questions this week is: What are the legal responsibilities of educators in a range of movement contexts? We discussed in my group that as educators, we are responsible to find out and acknowledge any challenges our student may be facing in regards to carrying out certain movements in PE. We are responsible for catering to the various levels of movement that our students may have, by providing a range of movements– from low to high challenge. Encouraging students to push themselves is important, but allowing them to engage in challenge by choice is even more important. The answers to this guiding question go hand in hand with the following guiding question: What ideas are used to create a safer, inclusive and respectful environment? Challenge by choice is another major point under this question, as is respecting that students possess many different levels of ability when it comes to movement.  To create a safer and inclusive environment, providing various levels to a lesson should be implemented, as well as giving oral and visual demonstrations of how movements should be conducted.