All posts by Sacha Raino

ABC Cohort- Group Teach Lesson Plan- Health Literacy: Nutrition

Group Teach Lesson Plan

Sacha Raino, Para Demosten

Renee Pasula and Daniella Chai

Grade: 3                        Subject: PE: Nutrition

Date: Dec. 1                Time: 30 minutes



  • A2—describe healthy nutritional choices for physical activity


Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will know the 4 food groups and be able to name examples of foods from each category
  • Students will know the daily recommended servings for each food group
  • Students will gain an understanding of how healthy nutrition plays one important role in our overall health


  • 119 Cards: [veg and fruit: 42; grains: 42; milk: 21; meat: 14]
  • 7 index cards stating the daily servings per food group
  • 7 hoola hoops
  • 2 tambourines

Lesson Overview:

Instant Activity (5 minutes) Daniella

-Get students to form a circle

-Recognize Musqueam territory and ask for students to be mindful and respectful of each other

-Introduce the lesson theme. Nutrition: food groups; daily servings; blood sugar levels

-Short discussion connecting to prior knowledge: ask for examples of food that makes our blood sugar rise; examples that keep our blood sugar levels balanced and consistent

-Activity: explain that we will be acting out the life of a student during one school day to see how everything he eats affects his energy levels. Listen to the story and mimic my movements!

  1. Breakfast: sugary food; run to school
  2. First class: Sugar Crash; fall to the ground
  3. Recess and snack: run outside; see-saw (squats) and veggies for a snack
  4. Class: I feel so good after eating veggies; I’m so balanced in class (tree pose on each side)
  5. Lunch: run to cafeteria; sandwich and a big glass of water
  6. Playtime: hopscotch; finds a chocolate in his /her pocket
  7. Class: run to class; hyper (spinning); sugar crash
  8. Birthday cupcakes (dance)
  9. Walk home: getting slower and slower till all sitting on the ground

Activity (20 minutes)

Phase 1: Sacha

Explanation: (students will still be sitting on the ground in a circle)

(during the explanation other teachers will lay out the cards on one end of the gym and hoops on the other)

-go over the daily servings for each food group: examples with a visual

-all the students will line up on one end of the gym

-they will be given an instruction at which time they will run across to the opposite side of the gym and look for the type of food we asked them to find; then run back and put the card in to the nearest “body” (a hoop); then stand behind the black end line.

-the catch is: for each food group we will ask you to move in a specific way.

-meat and alternatives: chicken dance; grains: harvest the wheat; fruits and veg: pick the apple and pull the carrot; milk and alternatives: milk the cow

-get everyone to practice each movement

-explain that we are going to use the tambourine as a signal. Demonstrate what it will sound like and what it means when we make the sound. [2 short = go; 1 long = quiet down, stop and listen]

-check for understanding (thumbs up or thumbs down)

-First Instruction: “When I shake my tambourine run and get one serving of a milk or alternative.” Second Instruction: “When I shake my tambourine run and get one serving of a grain” ect.

-Formative assessment: Checking for understanding after instructions; based on their answers to questions and performance in activity


Phase 2: Renee

Explanation: (students will all be standing on one side of the gym)

(while explanation is happening others will set up 7 hoops in front of the students)

-Next, we are going to get you in to small groups. [26 people: 5 groups of 4; 2 groups of 3]

-put them in to groups by numbering them 1 to 7

-Once you are in your groups you will find a “body” (hoop) and stand in front of it. (7 hoops; 1 per group)

-Each group is going to gather all the food they will need to have a balanced diet for one full day.

-Each group will be given an index card that shows you the recommended daily servings from the Canada Food Guide

-For your full day of healthy eating you will need: 6 servings of vegetables and fruits; 6 servings grains; 3 servings of milk and alternatives; 2 servings of meat and alternatives

(Index card for each group that shows them what they need distributed once they are in groups at their hoop)

-This is a relay race. So, decide which type of food each person in your group is going to look for. Remember that you will have to move in the assigned way depending on which type of food you’re going to gather.

-Everyone who is finding a grain show me your harvesting! (get them all to show us their moves)

-One person at a time, cheer on your team mates, safety concerns, mindful of each other

-The first group to get back to their “body” with all the food they need wins!

-When I shake the tambourine you can start.

-Formative assessment: checking each group’s hoop to see that they gathered the correct amount of food for each food group.


Phase 3 of Activity: Sugar Crash Tag: Sacha and Renee

(Clear all the hoops away and scatter all the food cards around the perimeter)

(Group children in to the center ring in the middle of the gym: explain the boundary)

-Now we are going to play a game of freeze tag that we have named Sugar Crash Tag

-Center ring is home base and the starting place.

-The goal is to run (regularly) from the center (safe zone), find a specific food and then run back in to the safe zone.

-The first 3 people back in the center with the correct food will be the monsters for the next round.

-We will indicate the round is finished with the sound of the tambourine.

-There will be 2 people chosen to be the Sugar Crash Monsters who will be trying to tag all of you as you are gathering your foods.

-If you are tagged by one of the Sugar Crash monsters you must give your food cards to the monster who will re-scatter them and then you must freeze in a sugar crash position for 10 seconds before you can move again.

-Demonstrate the sugar crash position

-For the next game we will give them a new food to find.

-At the sound of the tambourine we will start and end the games.


Cool-down (5 minutes) Para

-Get students to sit in a circle

-Song: call and repeat

Summative assessment: Asking each student to name a food from each food group


Safety Concerns:

  • Check gym space for hazards and clear/rectify them
  • Tripping over hoola hoops
  • Students running in to each other
  • Students fighting over cards



  • We could give increasingly difficult foods for students to look for (recipes for example)
  • Increase the amount of students who are “it” for tag
  • Math questions about serving size (fractions)
  • Nutritional facts; more in-depth science



  • Using a variety of modes to access different learners (oral, visual, written, kinesthetic)
  • If students had physical limitations they could play the role of the teacher by deciding which combinations the students need to look for; or officiate by starting and ending the game with the tambourine.
  • If there isn’t enough time, you could divide up the games and play them over a series of classes



  • C. PE k-7—Integrated Resource Package
  • Canada’s Food Guide—Health Canada


Week 8: Group B: Dance

I think dance is an incredibly powerful tool for expression, self-exploration, cultivating creativity, building community and just general increasing of joy and well being. I have always found dance to be an incredibly joyful and pleasurable experience. I think most children at a very young age discover dance and the joys of free movement. Social standards, among other things, can stifle a young person’s desire or freedom to explore dance. I think society views dance as far lower on the hierarchy of important or worthwhile activities compared with sport or academics (as most arts are viewed). From an education standpoint I see an enormous amount of potential for enriching a student’s understanding of the world and themselves through dance. The potential for cross-curricular study is also quite vast. Because dance is so closely linked with culture you could study dance in terms of it’s cultural and historical context. Participating in learning a culture’s dance brings about a visceral and deep understanding and appreciated for that culture. During the last Pro-D day I participated in a seminar where we learned Circle Dance. I was given a deeper understanding of how dance can teach connectedness and our ability to express through movement. In circle dance you are confronted with the faces of your fellow dancers and you often hold their hands. Moving in unison in this connected way is quite powerful. We were asked to create a circle dance together at the end. This was also very impactful. I felt we built something together and with a very distinct purpose. We chose one quality that we would try and embody and express through our dance. This is something I would love to try with students. Dance is a beautiful way to get kids moving and enjoying an active lifestyle.

Week 7 Group B: Gymnastics! (I decided to reflect, not comment) :)

Gymnastics was so fun! I have never been able to do a cartwheel and I actually get really dizzy doing rolls and spins, but I still had such a blast. The Disney music, this amazing cohort and excellent instruction from Stephen were probably all huge factors. Anyway, after reading the chapters this week I was feeling very daunted by the legalities that teachers face, and especially P.E. teachers. There are so many risks to consider while teaching physical activity and gymnastics seems to be one of the most accident-prone of all. I think the obvious ways to avoid risk are being really vigilant about teaching safety before each class, getting consistent routines in place around the way the kids behave on and around the equipment, ensuring you are able to see the entire space as much as possible and creating a stop signal that allows the students to finish what they’re doing before stopping.

Something that I took away from this class was the range of activities and movements you could teach your students with little to no equipment. For the younger grades, especially, you could teach all those travelling movements (skipping, hopping, leaping, side-stepping), the spinning movements and balancing movements without anything other than mats. I liked the idea of creating our own tableau after we learned the movements or creating our own routine. I would be excited to try something like this with students during Practicum. I really appreciated this lesson, as many schools do not have access to all the equipment we saw in the gymnastics space on Tuesday.

Week 6: Group B: Journal Entry

Today’s class was such a wonderful experience and a really awesome example for us to learn from in terms of teaching outdoor education. I feel like I learned an immense amount from Cristina, Christine and Lisa about what I need to be aware of and think about when planning for an alternative environment activity. There are a whole new set of requirements when bringing a group of kids into the outdoors and we have to be aware of all the safety issues and risks. I appreciated being taught what to tell students if they got lost outdoors and also how to organize the activity in ways that quell parent and administrator concerns. We must enlist the help of parents, other teachers, support staff and even older students in order to have a good adult to student ratio. We also need to make sure we are aware of the liabilities and waivers that need to be signed before taking kids for a lesson outside. Furthermore, we must have sufficient knowledge of first-aid or have someone on the excursion who does have this knowledge. Teaching an outdoor education class, or simply teaching any class outside, is such a valuable and worthwhile thing for us to do. I feel much less nervous about doing it after today’s class.

After reading the chapters for this week, there is so much to consider when planning a unit or even a lesson. I think routines, organization, clear communication and relationship building are some of the most important strategies for enhancing the learning environment for students. Especially for the younger grades, routines are so important. They reduce time wasted on classroom management issues or confusion. They get the kids into an activity and learning much faster and more efficiently. This ties in with organization. The ways you organize your students for activities has a huge impact on their comfort levels, feeling of safety and also their engagement in the exercise. The clearer our instructions, the quicker we can start playing and getting active. It reduces confusion and also helps with relationship building between teacher and students. The respect that comes from those clear interactions will help us be effective in engaging our students and keeping them excited about P.E.

Week 4: Group B: Movement Journal Entry

After reading the chapter on assessment and seeing the way the group on Tuesday used a rubric for assessment of their activity, I have a new appreciation for the difficulty and complexity of effective assessment in P.E. It’s much more difficult than I had expected. It seems that particularly in P.E., assessment is quite a challenge. I originally felt like I would want to assess based more on effort and participation- that is what seemed fairer to me based on my experience. I want to avoid giving good assessment only to those who are more physically fit or physically literate than others. However the chapter outlined some issues with weighing your assessment too heavily on participation and effort. They suggest a balance is required between assessing skills and participation/effort. I can see why this makes sense, but I am still struggling to find the best approach. I also leaned towards the idea of assessing based on improvement. Again, the chapter pointed out that students who were already competent in an area would not be graded well because they didn’t have far to improve. So this isn’t fair either. As the readings and the lecture in class suggested, using a diversity of assessment will be important for accuracy and fairness.

I liked the criteria used in the group’s rubric on Tuesday. It was really helpful to see them create a rubric for a lesson they had planned. It sounds easy to do and a lot more challenging when you sit down to do it. I especially liked how they incorporated “a good attitude” into their rubric. I think it’s so important for kids to know ahead of time what the expectations are and if they see the inclusion of criteria focusing on attitude, teamwork or helping others they will learn that those aspects are equally as important as physical skills.

Week 2: Group B: Movement Journal Entry

After Tuesday’s class I thought about the question, “Do I need to be an ‘expert’ to teach PE?” and although I think perhaps my answer would have previously been a yes, my thinking is changing in this area. I saw the ways that Group 1 did their team teach, as new teachers, and coming from varying backgrounds of physical education or physical literacy. The ways in which they tackled the objectives, came up with many different ideas to help us learn target games and have fun while we did it made me see that you don’t need to be an expert in PE, but perhaps just an expert teacher. To me, that means being open to learning, taking risks and overcoming challenges in order to educate learners. In my case, I am open to learning how to teach PE and I think many of us feel like it will be a stretch out of our comfort zone. As we have learned, it is entirely too common among educators to shy away from teaching PE for the very same fears many of us probably share. Seeing Group 1 dive head first in to teaching a PE lesson was really encouraging and motivating for me.

It also made me think of the many ways in which movement can be joyful, as one of our guiding questions asked. There is joy in movement and sharing those experiences of movement with others. And that idea doesn’t necessarily have to only be applied to team sports. I think we all experienced, during our target games lesson, how fun and joyful it was to learn a skill together, practice together, support one another, motivate one another and share small victories (even if it was just hitting a disc with a bean bag!). I am excited to expand my understanding of PE, as well as my students’, and to build my confidence about being qualified to teach it.