Weekly Required Readings


Teaching Physical Education Today

Canadian Perspectives

Dan Robinson and Lynn Randall (Editors)
ISBN ISBN 978-155077-231-9, First Edition, 2013
320 pgs
Teaching Physical Education Today: Canadian Perspectives was written with the specific concerns of Canadian health and physical education teachers in mind. It is intended for use as a core textbook in teaching programs across the country, a course book for those seeking to gain additional qualification (AQ) in health and physical education, and a reference for working teachers who want to deliver lively instruction to their students.


  • 1. Physical Education: Looking Back, Looking Forward Nick Forsberg and David Chorney
  • 2. Becoming a Teacher of Health and Physical Education Tim Fletcher, Carolyn Temertzoglou, and Nick Forsberg


  • 3. Curriculum Models Joanna Sheppard and Doug Gleddie
  • 4. Planning for Instruction Lynn Randall and Dan Robinson
  • 5. The Instructional Process Barb Olmsted and Nancy Melnychuk
  • 6. Assessment and Health and Physical Education Dan Robinson and Lynn Randall
  • 7. Diversities in Physical Education Catherine Casey and Jeanne Adèle Kentel (with Erin Cameron)
  • 8. Adapted/Inclusive Health & Physical Education William Harvey
  • 9. Indigenous Knowledge and Health and Physical Education Brenda Kalyn
  • 10. Health and Physical Education, Safety, & the Law David Young
  • 11. Critical Approaches to Pedagogy William Harvey


  • 12. Movement Domains Chunlei Lu, Nancy Francis, Ken Lodewyk
  • 13. Physical Literacy Rebecca Lloyd and Stephen Smith
  • 14. Health Literacy Stephen Berg, Clive Hickson, and Antony Card
  • 15. Technology in Health and Physical Education David Chorney
  • 16. Beyond Health and Physical Education: School-Based Physical Activity Programming Joe Barrett
Week 1: 

British Columbia Ministry of Education. (2015). Transforming Curriculum and Assessment –Physical Education Curriculum Drafts K-7. NEW! https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/curriculum/physical-health-education/3

British Columbia Ministry of Education. (2006). Integrated Resource Package: Physical Education K-7.http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/irp/course.php?lang=en&subject=Physical_Education&course=Physical_Education_K_to_7&year=2006

 UBC PE COURSE BLOG : https://blogs.ubc.ca/ubcpe/

British Columbia Ministry of Education. (2011). Daily Physical Activity K-12.http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/irp/pdfs/daily_physical_activity/program_guide.pdf

Class handouts:

Over a quarter of primary school teachers say they are not qualified enough to teach PE as worries grow over childhood obesity http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3217598/Over-quarter-primary-school-teachers-feel-not-qualified-teach-PE.html

Teaching H&PE for the First Time? Don’t Panic! Help is Close at Hand! http://www.ophea.net/article/teaching-hpe-first-time-don%E2%80%99t-panic-help-close-hand#.VezOHKOFNLM

Week 2:

Robinson & Randall. (Chapters 1-2) – An Introduction to Teaching Physical Education

1 – Physical Education: Looking Back, Looking Forward

2 – Becoming a Teacher of Health and Physical Education

 PE Hall of Shame activities http://www.pecentral.com/professional/hos/

Williams, N. (1992). The physical education hall of shame. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 63 (6), 57-60

Williams, N. (1994). The physical education hall of shame, part II. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 65 (2), 17-20.- http://users.rowan.edu/~cone/hallofshame1994.pdf

Williams, N. (1996). The physical education hall of shame, part III. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 67 (8), 45-48 http://home.comcast.net/~physedteacher/QualityPE/HallofShame3.pdf

Week 3:

Robinson & Randall (Chapters 13) – Content of Teaching Physical Education 13- Physical Literacy


PHE Canada (position paper) What is the relationship between physical education and physical literacy?

Almonda, L.; Whitehead, M (2012) – 3 Articles Series:

  1. Almond, L; Whitehead, M (2012). “Physical Literacy: Clarifying the Nature of the Concept”. Physical Education Matters 7 (1). ISSN 1751-0988

2. Almond, L; Whitehead, M (2012). “The Value of Physical Literacy”. Physical Education Matters 7 (1). ISSN 1751-0988

3. Almond, L; Whitehead, M (2012). “Translating Physical Literacy into practice for all teachers”. Physical Education Matters 7 (1). 


Physical Literacy for Educators – 2009

Week 4:

Robinson & Randall. (Ch. 6 & 12) – Pedagogy of Teaching Physical Education

6- Assessment and Health and Physical Education

Melograno, V. (1997). Integrating assessment into physical education teaching. Journal of Physical Education, health, Recreation and Dance, 68, (7) 34-40

12 – Movement Domains

Lu, Francis & Lodewyk 2013- movement domains

Week 5:
Week 6: 

Robinson & Randall (Ch. 4 & 5))

4- Planning for Instruction 

5- The Instructional Process
Outdoor Education –

Adventure and Outdoor Education (Mark Lund)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRR1feHqZ

Louv, R. http://www.orionmagazine.org/index.php/articles/article/240/

Week 7:

Robinson & Randall (Ch. 15 )

15 – Technology in Health and Physical Education

Top Apps for PE

McGreevy-Basic Building blocks Dance

Teaching Elements of Choreography

self assessment in creative dance

Hip Hop Sport Education


Week 9:

Robinson & Randall (Ch. 7 & 8)

7- Diversities in Physical Education

8- Adapted and Inclusive Health and Physical Education

Week 10:

Robinson & Randall (Ch. 16 & 14)

16- Beyond Physical Education: School-Based Physical Activity Programming

14 – Health Literacy

DASH BC – Healthy Schools and Health Literacy Resources

Health Literacy Month and Resources – http://healthyschoolsbc.ca/news/1/healthy-school-news/2516/october-is-health-literacy-month/

British Columbia Daily Physical Activity (DPA)http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/dpa/

British Columbia Healthy Schools http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/education-training/administration/kindergarten-to-grade-12/school-health

Week 11:

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