Posts Tagged ‘academia’
#hashtaggery & information control
March 16th, 2011 • 2 comments library
Tags: academia, collocation, colloquium, control, culture, digital, drums, experience, first nations, freefoodubc, grad school, hacklibschool, hashtag, information, libchat, networking, repatriation, school, slais, social media, twitter, ubc
Tonight I participated in a Twitter chat thingy about libraries. Interested people submitted questions and librarians/libschool students/interested in library stuff people paid attention to the #libchat hashtag which everyone participating used on their tweets. It was pretty fun. That kind of collocating is what hashtags are all about. The questions were fairly routine as far as library angst/information questions go (“Are people who’re hiring looking for Academic Credit or Library Experience?” or “Does Library School need to be a graduate program?”) but it’s interesting to see what people outside of SLAIS think about these things.
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