Posts Tagged ‘storify’
my artifacts from libr559m
August 19th, 2011 • 1 comment library, tech
Tags: courses, dean giustini, hashtags, libr559m, libresistance, mashup, social media, storify, wiki
I made stuff in my social media course with Dean Giustini these past six weeks. If I actually tallied up the word count I bet it would be more than I’ve written for school than I’ve done for a long time.
Here are those words:
- A definition of hashtags (with @abedejesus)
- Making a Mashup Friendly Library (with @abedejesus @fongolia @jenn_pappas & @ktubc)
- The Library Resistance, a library advocacy aggregation portal (with @abedejesus @fongolia @jenn_pappas & @ktubc)
- A pile of blog posts
I suppose I posted in the private discussion forums for the class a bit too. And my Storify account has a bunch of archived Twitterstreams and blogposts from my classmates which I collected.
Yeah. That was kind of a busy six weeks. I’m pretty much done now though. I’ll add the rest of the blog posts to the appropriate Storify pages as they get published and that’ll be that.
what i learned on my summer non-vacation
August 19th, 2011 • 5 comments library, tech
Tags: boingboing, dean giustini, drupal, evangelist, glogging, google reader, klout, libr559m, libresistance, lurker, participation, producer, self-reflection, social media, storify, twitter
In our presentation for libr559m, which our group did on (my) Thursday, Dean asked us what we’d learned that we hadn’t known before in creating our project. At the time I mentioned the technical stuff about working with Drupal. Afterwards I was asking myself how much of this course was just me performing. I mean, I grew familiar with a bunch of tools over the course of the past 6 weeks, but I had some pretty firm social media habits coming into the course, so it’s not like I’ve now discovered Google Reader and nothing will be the same again. (Glogging isn’t really for me.)
I think the biggest thing I learned (apart from generally being impressed by my study buddy’s insight and principles, but that’s not really the domain of the class) was how relatively painless it can be to work with people across so many timezones. I didn’t feel disconnected from the class even though we didn’t share a hemisphere. That in itself is an experience that’s useful.
Another question Dean asked at the end of our presentation was whether I ever feel information overload. I assume this is because I’ve been pretty visible in my quasi-prolific use of these tools (though if you check the Storified summations of the class you’ll see a lot of other people posting more than me on Twitter). I think that’s where my performing this class kind of comes in. Normally I’m more of a lurker. I use these tools but for my own benefit, to suck things into my own head. I was trying to take the opportunity of doing a class in social media to work on being a more active producer in this sphere. If you take your classes as a means of developing yourself professionally, well, if I’m going to be paid to be on Twitter someday my employers would want to see some results, not just that I’m full of neat tales from BoingBoing. I think I’ve got a better handle on being a visible social media producer now. For what it’s worth, my Klout score jumped quite a bit since the course began.
I think I’m negotiating a good balance between being a social media user (which I was) and an evangelist (which I won’t ever be). Finding some middle space there seems like a good result, and a good use of three of my precious credit hours for the degree.
filled with flots and jets i am today
August 9th, 2011 • 3 comments library, tech
Tags: acarvin, aggregation, bumblebee, commencement speech, cross-pollination, curator, dorothy day, efficiency, flickr, flow, information, jessamyn west, journalism, kazuo ishiguro, libr559m, long loneliness, michael wesch, module 5, news, npr, personal, rss, social media, storify, tagging, twitter, video, writing
One of the things I love about an aggregated informational world is the idea that if you’ve got enough information flowing past you things will wash up on shore. In the Wesch video there’s a bit about how a person finds significance based on our relationships/contrast with other people. That flow of what you and other people care about is important for significance I guess. You see how people who make stuff you care about care about certain things and you learn what you feel about things.
Journalism is about working yourself up into a lather over something you previously felt nothing about. It is diametrically opposed to what you do as a novelist, which is to very slowly discover what you feel about things. – Kazuo Ishiguro
I feel like aggregating information aids in both of these acts. You need that flow to see what other people are getting into a lather about and sometimes you can get into that lather too. There’s something to be said for having a pile of information you’re barely reading until you see people talking about the same thing so many times and it just bubbles up seemingly everywhere. I love that, especially when news is breaking.
And then there are the people who do the librarian/journalist type aggregation themsleves like @acarvin the NPR journalist who’s become the go to retweeter for the revolutions in the Middle East. He’s being the human in the middle putting an eye on things (and sometimes he, like others, gets fooled).
I can see how these software bits and the fancy learning environments are good for bringing information together but man oh man do I ever like the idea of the infopro (ie the person not the tool) as aggregator supreme. In a much more modest way I’ve been trying to play that kind of role in this class, going through the twitterstream and putting the conversations into a more followable format on Storify. This is not the most efficient means of aggregation, I realize. That Wesch video is talking about automatically pulling in everything tagged anthropology on Flickr, but I’m sure a lot of those pictures are absolute shit. If we’re filters we’re filters sifting for treasure. And it’s not easy.
The other day Jessamyn West posted a commencement address I really enjoyed, which included this:
Some of what I do is go places that “my people” don’t go to, represent us, and then come back and tell my folks what I found there, whether it’s being a techie at a librarian conference, a librarian at the tech conference or a rural librarian at the big city meeting. The world needs people who stay and people who roam, cross-pollinate, bumblebee style.
Sometimes I was surprised that I’d be one of very few people in my communities speaking out cogently and clearly for my ideas, against filtering, against digital rights management, for copyright reform and open access, that sort of thing.
Dorothy Day who founded the Catholic Worker movement sometimes called this isolation of idealism the “long loneliness” and said it could only be solved by the love that comes with community. I feel that by sharing your ideas and ideals with others, you’re not as lonely.
I don’t know, this idea of streams of information merging with each other and being separated out is important and kind of beautiful. I don’t know about the wisdom of crowds but I do love cross-pollination and that’s something that works if you’re aggregating across different ideas.