New internet forum: “Labor and information technology”

by E Wayne Ross on July 10, 2005

Posted by Tony Budak on the Community Labor News and Working Class Studies mailing lists:

It cccured to me that to collaborate to build a stronger labor movement, it
might be a good idea to discuss, document and announce how the Internet or
information technology is used to make for a better world. The focus should
come from a labor community point of view and lo and behold who better than of course.

Who knows given the ways things are at the present time, perhaps a few of
these e-mail list servers, web sites, Blogs, and forums with members from
every corner of the working class can somehow collaborate in solidarity. But
we can’t know unless we try, so…

I have opened a new forum on the bulletin board at CLNews,
The forum title is “Labor and Information Technology”, it is a place to
“Start a new thread here or reply to current thread about the use of the
Internet within the labor movement”

Being that the forum is up 24/7 it is a good place to post announcements, or
carry on a discussion on a specific topic. In other words network and
collaborate with each other.

So point your web browser to
then go to and click the title “Labor and Information Technology”.

I hope that you will use the opportunity. Please give it a try. BTW there
are other forums there, and if you want a forum for a special idea, let me

With Respect and Solidarity,
Tony Budak