Scotland: 80,0000 pupils hit schools shut by strike

by E Wayne Ross on March 24, 2006

Evening Times: A STRIKE by up to 250,000 Scots council workers on Tuesday will shut more than 400 schools in the Glasgow area and hit almost 80,000 kids

A STRIKE by up to 250,000 Scots council workers on Tuesday will shut more than 400 schools in the Glasgow area and hit almost 80,000 kids.

Every primary, nursery and special educational needs school in Glasgow will close, hitting 55,000 pupils.

In East Dunbartonshire, all schools, including secondaries, will shut, affecting 22,300 youngsters.
In other regions, council bosses are holding talks with union officials to avoid closing schools – but even if they open there will still be disruption for pupils.

The 24-hour strike is over pensions and the walkout will affect a wide range of council services.