Land-grant universities consider accountability plan

by E Wayne Ross on April 3, 2006

Inside Higher Ed: Fresh Approach to Accountability

An association of public research universities is studying the possibility of creating a new, voluntary system to define and measure the outcomes of undergraduate education, in a way that would allow for public comparisons of similar institutions.

The National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges — a group of more than 200 public research universities, including flagship institutions in every state — is floating this idea as a federal panel on the future of higher education has become increasingly critical of the way the government and colleges assure their quality. Leaders of the Secretary of Education’s Commission on the Future of Higher Education have for months been scaring colleges with talk of using new national tests to assure quality. And just last week, the panel infuriated accreditors when it released a report suggesting that the regional system of accrediting colleges be replaced with a national one.