NYU Under the Influence

by E Wayne Ross on January 16, 2008

NYU Under the Influence

New York Sun Editorial

Let us resist, in respect of the arrest in New Hampshire of one of Senator Clinton’s campaign aides, Sidney Blumenthal, for drunken driving, the urge to attack him the way Democrats attacked George W. Bush for his 1976 DUI, which was disclosed in the final days of the 2000 presidential campaign. No, what struck us about the news was the affiliation some of the press coverage listed for Mr. Blumenthal — New York University. It turns out, according to the NYU Web site, that Mr. Blumenthal is a “research fellow” at the “Center on Law and Security” of NYU law school, a center that describes itself as “committed to promoting an informed understanding of the legal and security issues defining the post 9/11 era.”