Wisconsin/Kentucy: More info needed on job finalists: UW-Parkside hire resigned after investigation was made public

by E Wayne Ross on October 5, 2008

Green Bay Press Gazette: UW regent: More info needed on job finalists: UW-Parkside hire resigned after investigation was made public

MADISON — A regent involved in the failed University of Wisconsin-Parkside chancellor search said Friday he and his colleagues lack enough information to make good hiring decisions.

Michael Falbo of Milwaukee said regents recommend who to hire for top campus jobs after interviewing the finalists, which does not provide them with an understanding of who would be best for the job.

“I’ve found that I didn’t feel capable of making a decision after spending about a half hour or 45 minutes with each candidate one right after another,” Falbo told his colleagues on the 18-member Board of Regents during a meeting at UW-Stevens Point.

At another point, he added: “I think we all know we are not prepared when we are called on to do that job — enough — and we have to do a better job in the future.”

Falbo chaired the regents committee earlier this year that recommended University of Louisville dean Robert Felner to be the UW-Parkside chancellor. The committee was unaware that Felner had been the subject of a no-confidence vote by the faculty in 2006 and an ongoing federal investigation was looking into whether he mishandled grant money.