U. of Iowa Lists 14 Graduate Programs at Risk for Cuts or Elimination

by E Wayne Ross on February 17, 2010

The Chronicle: U. of Iowa Lists 14 Graduate Programs at Risk for Cuts or Elimination

Worried faculty members at the University of Iowa now have a report from a provost-appointed task force that names 14 graduate programs — half in the humanities — that could be restructured or eliminated as the university seeks to save money.

In a process that began last spring and triggered some angst among faculty members, the task force categorized the institution’s 111 graduate programs into five groups. The 14 programs are in a category called “additional evaluation required” and have “significant problems,” with no “viable plans for improvement,” the report says.

The programs the group said needed to be evaluated further are: American studies, M.A. and Ph.D.; Asian civilizations, M.A.; comparative literature, M.A. and Ph.D.; comparative literature (translation), M.A. and Ph.D.; film studies, M.A. and Ph.D.; German, M.A. and Ph.D.; linguistics, M.A. and Ph.D.; educational policy and leadership studies (educational administration), M.A., Ed.S., and Ph.D.; educational policy and leadership studies (social foundations of education), M.A. and Ph.D.; health and sport studies, M.A. and Ph.D.; teach and learn (elementary education), M.A. and Ph.D.; stomatology, M.S.; integrative physiology, Ph.D.; and exercise science, M.S.