Save the Capilano University Computer Science Department

by Stephen Petrina on May 8, 2013

Petition to Save the Capilano University Computer Science Department

The Computer Science Department At Capilano University is scheduled to be suspended: The Board of Governors are voting on whether or not to discontinue the program on May 14. Please help us spread the word that the loss of this department would be a blow to the technology sector in BC.

Capilano University’s Computer Science is an integral part of Capilano’s education platform. If there’s any doubt about the value of these programs, there won’t be after you see some of the phenomenal work that’s been created by current and former students. Not only is this a blow to technology and innovation, it also limits the ability of students in other departments to collaborate with someone in the industry. The instructors in this department are both brilliant and motivated to help their students achieve success in the field of computer science from programming to web design and basic computing. They should be praised for their dedication in spite of all these funding cuts… If these Cuts are allowed to take place Students will be Robbed of an Important Educational aspect, which leads to the question:


{ 1 comment }

ivona vujica 05.18.13 at 9:53 am


A film student from Cap U made two short films about program cuts at the university.

See what faculty have to say:

University Cuts:

See “cuts” from a First Nations perspective:

Story Nest:


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