DePaul U. Students and Alumni Stage Sit-In to Protest 2 Tenure Denials

by E Wayne Ross on June 13, 2007

The Chronicle News Blog: DePaul U. Students and Alumni Stage Sit-In to Protest 2 Tenure Denials

A group of students and alumni of DePaul University have spent more than 24 hours in a conference room near the president’s office and say they won’t leave until he agrees to grant tenure to two professors.

“We don’t have anything specific planned yet,” said Matt P. Muchowski, who graduated last June from DePaul with a degree in political science. “At some point, we’ll have to meet with the president again, and, you know, quite frankly, we hope that it will be to accept his retraction of the denial of tenure and to offer tenure.” Mr. Muchowski said he was one of about a dozen students in the conference room now.