Bill Could Boot Ayers From U of I

by E Wayne Ross on February 6, 2009 Bill Could Boot Ayers From U of I

Bill Could Boot Ayers From U of I
Reported by: Stacey Morgan / WCIA 3 News

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A controversial U of I professor could be out of a job if one lawmaker has his way. William Ayers was called a radical and a terrorist for bombing government buildings to protest the Vietnam war.

But Senator Larry Bomke from Springfield doesn’t think he should be teaching in Illinois. He wants anyone who’s committed an act of violence against the United States or Illinois to be banned. While Ayers falls on that list, Bomke says he’s not picking on him.

“It’s not specifically for him,” says the Senator. “And it may be that he embellished whether they did or didn’t do these bombings, and if that’s the case than the shoe doesn’t fit. But if the shoe fits, well, then he should be gone. ”

Bomke says he probably wouldn’t have even known that Ayers was working for the U of I had it not been for the presidential election. You may remember, the Republican Party tried to connect President Obama with Ayers after they served on two boards together.

So far this bill has only been introduced to the Senate. It now sits in committee.

Ayers is expected at the U of I Champaign-Urbana Campus in March. He will be living with students in Allen Hall.