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  • ashleyross 8:15 am on September 23, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: Critique, EduFire,   

    EduFire’s elevator pitch grabs the perspective client’s attention right away by creating two scenarios one for perspective students and one for perspective employees. At first glance, the concept of EduFire seemed relatively clear and concise as the company provides one-on-one training through live video learning. However, when I looked at the pitch for a second […]

    Continue reading EduFire Critique Posted in: Week 03: Analyst Bootcamp
    • verenanz 1:31 pm on September 23, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hello! I totally agree. Edufire left me with far too many questions and as a result, I couldn’t buy in to the product.

    • jenaca 3:47 am on September 24, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hey Ashley, I really like the way you have set up your pitch critique: using bullet points is always a good way to show important information.
      After watching this pitch, I too was left with too many questions which threw me off of the product.

    • khenry 7:23 pm on September 24, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hello Ashley,
      Like you I was left wanting more information, particulrly on cost, and on the team of persons involved. You made an important point in that there needs to be a focus on on what makes a product different.


    • Doug Smith 8:19 pm on September 24, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Ashley, you raise some great points. First and foremost, it was completely unclear to me why someone would actually want the product that they are selling. Having said that, perhaps this kind of thing is more pointed towards clients in the US or international clients, like from Asia perhaps. I think this is more of a product pitch as opposed to a VC pitch. Following on this, I like how you point out that we have no idea as to who is behind EduFire.

    • Deb Giesbrecht 12:32 pm on September 25, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      It’s an interesting concept – providing 1:1 learning, particularly in language studies or learning a new language. The speaker appeared very believable and was passionate in what he believed in. The concept is captivating – providing just-in-time learning to the learner, while taking a small cut from the person providing the learning. As you pointed out, there are unanswered questions one in which they would likely love to tell you about if given an opportunity!

  • ashleyross 11:33 am on September 15, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: Critique, , Technology Trends   

    Connie Malamed, writer of the eLearning Coach describes ten technology trends in her “Learning Technology Trends To Watch In 2011” report. In this report she explains how these technologies are being and can be used in professional learning environments, who is using them and hypothesizes on what to expect in the future. As someone who […]

    Continue reading Learning Technology Trends Posted in: Week 02: The Edtech Marketplace
    • mcquaid 3:44 pm on September 17, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi, Ashley.
      I agree that Malamed’s site is clear as well as easy to read & navigate. The article in question I thought was a little too basic (I guess that’s OK, as it’s really just a list of things to watch), leaving me wanting some more information (including sources). Other things on the site seemed more worthwhile to me personally at the moment.

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