
Photos  by Stefano Gulmanelli (Diomedia, Agefotostock)

Arianna Dagnino in the Kalahari Desert, South Africa, 1998

Arianna Dagnino in the Nyae Nyae Conservancy with a medicine woman from the the Ju’hoansi clan (one of the several groups of people known as !Kung, Bushmen or San), Kalahari Desert, Namibia, 1997

Arianna Dagnino in the Nyae Nyae Conservancy with a woman from the the Ju’hoansi clan (one of the several groups of people known as !Kung, Bushmen or San), Kalahari Desert, Namibia, 1997


Johannesburg – Kuba masks


Arianna Dagnino with Kuba masks, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1998


01AHP0ZA; Safari Savute, botswana, africa

Dagnino in Botswana, Okavango