Dr. Nina Hewitt

Author: kmhurley

Tanacetum sp

Don’t think this is T. falconeri, but have included refs; may be T. dolychifolium Common name: Family: Compositae Information: Photo:…

Saussurea sp 3

Common name: Family: Compositae Information: Photo: Dry stony slopes of Baumaharel valley, July 25, 2016. N. Hewitt Specimen collection #34,…

Phleum alpinum L.

Common name: Alpine timothy; Alpine Cat’s tail Family: Poaceae Information: Found in alpine areass worldwide Photo: Deosai Plateau, NW edge,…

Sp. Deosai x

Common name: Family: Information: Photo: Mesic NE facing mid slope on Northern edge of Deosai Plateau, Jul 29,  N. Hewitt…

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