TO 16WT1 Instructors:

Please do the following:

STEP ONE- Identify Program Indicators

Review the Program Indicators and decide which one(s) align(s) with your course.  Indicators aligned with each of the 12 CEAB Attributes are found in the right-hand menu of this page.  Select an Attribute in the menu to view it’s associated indicators.

Make a note of the number and short title of each indicator aligned with an end-of-term assessment in your course.  Please select at least one, and no more than 6, program indicators.

Contact Susan Nesbit ( if you need support in completing this task.

STEP TWO – Describe Relevant End-of-Term Assessments

Complete the survey below, which tells us about the end-of-term assessments that are aligned with each of the program indicators relevant to your course.


Contact Susan Nesbit ( if you need support in completing this task.

STEP THREE – Copy and Paste Student Marks

Once you receive the Assessment Marks data sheet for your course, please complete it by copying and pasting student marks (from the end-of-term assessment(s) you describe in step 2 above) in the appropriate columns, as instructed in the spreadsheet.  (The Assessment Marks spreadsheet will be sent to you after we receive your survey responses.)

Contact Susan Nesbit ( if you need support in completing this task.

We have made every effort to minimize your time on these tasks.  Thanks for your cooperation.