Civil Engineering Program Indicators

What are Program Indictors?

Indicators describe what students must do to be considered competent respecting a CEAB attribute.

What is the purpose of a Program Indicator?

An indicator sets a pre-determined standard used to evaluate learning, and aligns with specific assessment criteria associated with courses within a program.

How were the Civil Engineering Program Level Learning Indicators developed?

In 2012, an initial set of indicators was developed after a thorough review of Indicators from other programs in Canada and the United States, and with reference to the UBC-CIVL 2009 Program-Level Objectives.  At approximately the same time, a faculty-level committee created a UBC-generic list of indicators.  The two sets of indicators were conflated and presented to a CIVL department sub-committee, which further refined the list.

Can we change the indicators?

Yes.  But for the 2020 report, we are not intending to review the indicators.  Once we get more experience working with the indicators and how they can connect with courses, then we can review and improve.

If you disagree and would like to be part of an ad hoc committee charged with revising the indicators, please contact Bernard Laval.