About this blog

After doing numerous web searches for blogs on pedagogy relating specifically to philosophy courses (university level or otherwise) and coming up empty-handed, I decided to start my own. There apparently used to be a community blog devoted to teaching and learning in Philosophy, according to this list of philosophy blogs (see the “teaching philosophy” entry under “group weblogs” on this page). But it appears to no longer be up and running. The blog you are reading right now is owned and operated only by one person, Christina Hendricks at the University of British Columbia. I’d rather have a blog about teaching and learning in Philosophy be a community thing, since such topics are best discussed and reflected on through interaction with others (otherwise, all you’re going to get is my experiences and reflections. Anyone who is interested in collaborating can email me (see my UBC Philosophy dept. page for contact info).

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My summer of e-learning

I seem to have become obsessed with learning new technologies for teaching and learning in the past few months. Primarily through attendance at the 2006 UBC Learning Conference”, and through attending several seminars at the TAG Institute (TAG=The Centre for Teaching and Academic Growth at UBC, which conducts workshops and collects resources for the teaching staff at UBC), I have begun to learn about the following things…

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