Archive for March, 2012

Highlight of the Trip

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

This year’s CEAL conference focused on the TS restructure, and we at UBC have been there and have done it. Keynote speech by Prof. Dai Jinhua, Friendship with my fellow CEAL members and ROM visit are some highlights of the trip. Thanks to Stephen’s invitation and arrangement, I was able to skip the official visit […]

Midnight in Toronto

Monday, March 19th, 2012

The flight convinced me how large Canada is. It was late, but I am glad that the pilot didn’t take sick leave. Caught the airport express and arrived at Sheraton around midnight. Our room on the 17th floor faces the City Hall, the landmark building opened in 1965, and the only one I can recognize […]

Emigration Statistics

Wednesday, March 7th, 2012

Unlike the common question on Chinese immigrants, I was helping a Ph.D candidate to track down emigration statistics from the People’s Republic of China from 1949 to 1989 and to date. A new government sponsored research report Conducted by Xiamen U happens to be released, but only on 1970 to 2008: “从上世纪70年代到2007-2008年间,从中国前往世界各地的移民超过1000万人。其中,来自港澳台地区的约160-170万,来自中国大陆约800多万。前往发达国家的中国新移民近700万,前往发展中国家的有300多万。 “Another study estimates […]

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