Archive for December, 2012

The International Symposium Nov. 2012

Friday, December 28th, 2012

I enjoyed learning from this Symposium held at the Sun Yat-sen U. Libraries. Just received the email on finalizing my paper to be included in the proceeding. Although I understand the connection to Guangzhou, I was suprised by how many people approached me on collaboration proposals. I remember the complement of Mr. Yao Boyue from […]


Monday, December 3rd, 2012

11月9日的飞机居然准点到达白云机场。在咖啡座等了树勇片刻,欣赏着窗外繁茂的草木。 晚饭时分,广州外商酒店的大堂被这帮老朋友的reunion渲染得其热无比。虽然每年都在美国见Soren,但他和沈津老师一样,到国内工作,这次在广州有机会向他请教实在难得。 大师兄一见面就高喊,“比北京好多了吧?!” 我忍不住大笑,想起他几天前穿衬衫在北京大雪中奔跑的情形。他还是怀念春天在温哥华的聚会。遇到不少港台的同仁,都对敝校环境津津乐道,让我有了想家的感觉。 在这岁末冬初的季节,漫步在中山大学的校园。除了闹中取静的图书馆的书香,还有各种岭南花草暗香浮动。深深地呼吸,我告诫自己要好好地学习和感受。

CASS Visit

Sunday, December 2nd, 2012

Stayed behind in Beijing for UBC access privelage and new requirements for vendors. Presenting at CASS , suprisingly with new discovery and project proposals. Xu Huan at PKU and Joe from Apabi also asked for meetings, but it didn’t work out due to time restraints. Students and young librarians started sending me follow-up questions from […]

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