Archive for the 'Events' Category

BC China Scholars Forum

Friday, May 28th, 2010

BC China Scholars Forum brought together China specialists from across British Columbia on April 9th and 10th. Although I had reference shifts and the Asian Viola, I managed to present our rare book collection and gathered quite a lot feedback and suggestions. Alison said that there are about 250 of us in BC, many are […]

Meeting Paul Fang

Friday, March 12th, 2010

Paul looks much younger than I thought, and looks alot like his Grandpa, Mr. Pang Jingtang, a typical Shandong big man. As a lawyer in Vancouver, he speaks fluent English, not Chinese. The way he talks about his family and the donnation sounds very humble. Paul told me a very different story of how the […]

I Am a Proud Canadian!

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010

I am still receiving emails from American and Chinese colleagues on the Winter Olympics. The busy spring term is supposed to be back to normal now, but people are talking more about the closing ceremonythan work. For February 2010, I had options of travelling far to Cape Town or staying in Vancouver to get involved. […]


Monday, October 5th, 2009

9月8日的晚宴, 见到了很多老朋友:李馆开心大叫一声,让我感觉很亲切。纽约的老同事张鸿运先生加入CALA团队,即将赴西北培训中国馆员。在北京重逢真是意外。 当年瘦小的Jimmy已经是MIT的学生啦。前辈和大哥们引见一些国图的同行们,但是茅台和家常让我不便提起工作的事情。

Meeting at the NLC

Monday, October 5th, 2009

The best part of the meeting is to hear what Chinese scholars are saying about overseas Chinese studies. Prof. Tang Yijie’s keynote speech was quite impressive. He criticized nationalism and self-centered Chinese studies. James Cheng introduced the top Chinese collections in North America and Guoqing presented all the research projects by Chinese studies librarians in […]

Party in Lingbo's House

Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

Summer in Vancouver can be this hot! except for last Saturday, when we gathered in Lingbo’s house when the rain brought us breeze. I sat by the window next to the garden and the colorful sky, where I enjoyed chatting through the cool night. The sound of fireworks reminded us how late it was, but […]

ACRL Conference in Seattle

Monday, March 30th, 2009

I enjoyed my companies to Seattle–Kat and Lorn and admire their energy. The most popular words at the conference were partnership, Liasion and collaboration, including with East Asian counterparts. I wonder if CEAL should collaborate with ACRL in the future besides AAS. I ran into Harry, my first supervisor librarian, in the hallway. He was […]

2009 Meet the SLAIS Grads

Tuesday, March 10th, 2009

The School of Library, Archival and Information Studies and the SLAIS Alumni Association are going to host the 2009 Meet the SLAIS Grads event. The event will take place at the Vancouver Public Library Alice McKay Room, April 3, 2009 from 5:30-8 pm. Lingbo is a regular goer and sponsor. Hope more of us can […]

Everson's Talk and Chinese Writers' Visit

Saturday, November 1st, 2008

Prof. Michael E. Everson from U. of Iowa talked on issues in Chinese literacy learning. As Prof. Duff introduced, we don’t have any scholars in Canada like him, who has studied that deep on the issues. Besides the K-16 Chinese language teaching in the US, teaching and research programs in American universities are way ahead […]

CRCLLE's Official Opening

Friday, October 31st, 2008

Ponderasa F is warm and crowded this rainy Thursday night. Although I received the invitation many times for the opening, I didn’t know much about the Centre. Hanban made a commitment of half million?! Sister Xu, way to go!Chinese Consul General, Shugen Liang, commented on the lovely rain in Vancouver, and it would be appreicated […]

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