Archive for the 'Experience' Category


Monday, October 5th, 2009

回来UBC已经是开学后的第三周了,忙得一塌糊涂,没有时间整理和报告我的北京之行。今天又有同事怪罪,甚至要求我的博克应该适当加上中文。 这次是应国图之邀,参加其海外中国学文献研究中心的挂牌仪式,百年庆典和研讨会,首次由国图安排北京的一切,包括友谊宾馆的住宿。国图让我有焕然一新的感觉,上上下下都精明强干,既有条理又有效率。 还是从我落地入关说起吧。由于晚点,我们入关时,整个机场略显空当,执勤人员也面带疲惫。检查我入关手续的年轻人非常英俊和礼貌,“晚点这莫久,辛苦啦”审视完护照和密密麻麻的签证戳,他又问:“经常回来吗?”“一年至少一次”“欢迎你更经常回来!” I registered for the Symposium first thing on Sept 8th, picked up the package and boarded the shuttle to the new building of NLC, where I learned a great deal from the presenters.

7-Hour Delay

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

Just thanked my friends for the ride to YVR and then saw the notice about my flight’s delay. Seven hours! Kids were happy seeing me back home so soon. Had to email Beijing right away. When I received the reply from the National Library of China (NLC), I was so moved and relieved. I was […]

October 20, TTOD & CAS

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

Monday morning, we were greeted by Mr. Ke and Mr. An at the main entrance of Tsing Hua U. Ms. Zhou Mengzhi, who is in charge of the legal department, presented the organizational chart of TTOD, the digital publishing platform of CNKI and its overseas market share. Among all types of institutional users, over 2,000 […]


Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

  星期六晚上与杨爱东久别重逢,她一定让我见识一下当今北京人的周末晚宴,害得我翘了人大的宴请,打车奔往东城大董烤鸭。果然名不虚传,前厅里到处都是等位子的老外,人手一杯鸡尾酒。每一道菜都像一幅画,但我们有太多的话题,好像美食对我没有太多的魅力。几位老同学都不见老,话语幽默,情绪饱满。半夜爱东开车送我回家,这是回国后第一次回家,放下行李,赶紧打车回海淀,因为第二天又是行程满满。 October 19th, Sunday, CIBTC arranged the visit of the Bird Nest, the only sightseeing during the two weeks. An elementary school was having its sport festival. While we were walking inside of the Nest, I’ve got a phone call from 张超,她正在鸟巢开运动会,多巧呀,还那末牛!在她的带领下我们去小崔俯瞰鸟巢的新家指手画脚一番,午饭又吃得简单而精彩。姐妹4个得意忘形把个小餐馆感染得只听得到我们的声音。打工的小妹小弟们都上来问我们为何这末高兴。 珍本的老板刘军一席讲演,让我中午的激情继续燃烧,也让我从中了解到中国书商的运作规则和困难。这家民营企业与大三家有着太多的不同。 光天把珍本安排进来大家都无怨言反倒受益匪浅。 晚饭后临时上门的中央文献研究室的领导面对的已经是精疲力竭的我们。他们勇于面对国外学者主动寻求合作的态度让我感动。与人大图书馆形成鲜明的对照。 The unscheduled meeting with Ms. Zhang Peng and Zheng […]

Renmin University Forum

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

Saturday, October 18th. We walked through campus in the morning breeze to visit the library and the Information Centre for Social Sciences. We have been subscribing to its series that offer value added resources and waiting for its online version. But comparing with other digital content providers, the Centre came to the late start, faces […]

Thinking about the students from CHIN 105 in Beijing

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

I enjoyed talking to the non-heritage class right before I took this trip. Their eyes in blue, green and brown colors all showed sympathy when I told them that I would take the trip on Thanksgiving to Beijing. “I could use Peking duck to replace turkey” I joked with the class, and that started a […]

Good to be back!

Wednesday, October 15th, 2008

I am jetlaged and feel like in a dream. Time to make the note of my trip. Arrived in Beijing on the 13th, on Thanksgiving back in Canada. I had to rush here for the International Conference on the Development of Subject Librarianship. When I went to the registration desk from the airport directly, I […]

The Northeast Project of China

Tuesday, August 19th, 2008

Dr. Shao Dongfang brought some scholars from CASS for a conference at the IAR on the Project. I walked into the room with the interpretor, Mr. Kwan, who looked exhausted. There’s a debate about Kogoryu history between Chinese and Korean speakers. I stayed for Mark Byington’s (Harvard) presentation although I was reminded about “closed conference”. […]

Librarians Run for the Cure – Report

Thursday, December 27th, 2007

On September 30th, 2007, Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure raised $26.5 million. This year’s Run attracted more than 170,000 Canadians in 53 communities across the country. In Vancouver, more than 12,000 people braved the unrelenting rain for the worthy cause. Do you know that 215 Librarians Run for the Cure team […]

Reading Chinese Books

Saturday, November 3rd, 2007

Finish reading several Chinese books this rainy weekend, including two on health and parenting borrowed from friends. They made me feel relaxed and inspired. Megan just came over and told me how beautiful Mandarin is. That’s quite unusual! and I have to make a note here. We are lucky living in Vancouver with best Chinese […]

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