Good to be back!
by Jing Liu ~ October 15th, 2008. Filed under: Experience.I am jetlaged and feel like in a dream. Time to make the note of my trip. Arrived in Beijing on the 13th, on Thanksgiving back in Canada. I had to rush here for the International Conference on the Development of Subject Librarianship.
When I went to the registration desk from the airport directly, I didn’t even know how to answer their questions and I didn’t have enough RMB to pay for the conference. A beautiful young lady walked by and recognized me, “Jing Liu, from UBC?!”I knew I met her before but her name didn’t come back to me fast enough. Gayle from HKU, we met in Shanghai years ago. Then Deng Shi came to the registration and gave me a bear hug. Good to be back, where people know your name!
My presentation went smoothly, although I spent some extra time, which I don’t usually do, but I do like to be fare to all audience, so I spoke in both languages. No time for Q and A. As soon as I stepped out, a few people followed and called me “Teacher Liu”. We were connected by the Sino-American Librarians Training Program in Wuhan. I felt flattered being remembered by these Chinese librarians. I didn’t expect any classmates, so I was really shocked and happy to see Jianyuan, who became an AUL at the Union U. in Beijing. See how happy I was reunited with my school friend!
Our delegation started to work this evening at Da Zhai Men. Presentations on new e-resources were provided at dinner time: Dragoninfo 龙语瀚堂,中文在线, 国学宝典, 周文业老师的古典小说据说也很好。