Archive for the 'Summer Institute for Chinese Studies Librariship' Category


Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

I was invited by the AUL, Shaorong, who was in my class for the Sino-American Librarians Workshop in 2005 at Wuhan U. She was working for Fudan Library then. I enjoyed exchanging emails with her when I prepared for this trip to Beijing. I was suprised by my own reply to her invitation and the […]

Library of Central National University & Wanfang

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

十月二十一号下午我们来到中央民族大学图书馆。校园的绿草坪上欢跳的喜鹊们让我的精神一振。2003年落成的新馆高耸入云。该馆提醒了我在北美的英文环境中,中国信息服务的种种难处,因为它的一大特色就是少数民族文字的藏书:蒙、藏、维吾尔、哈萨克、柯尔克孜语、朝鲜、彝语等等。出乎我的意料的却是22万册的珍贵古籍,和管理这些宝藏的学姐李婷。两周来的疲劳似乎被学姐的激情介绍赶走了。大家把李婷团团围住,不停地提问,她似乎也被我们的强烈兴趣所感染,从本馆特藏讲到全国的珍本收藏情况。离开的时候大家意犹未尽,无奈为了赶万方的场。下次回京最想登门求教的就是这位学姐,浑身书卷气,见面又很亲热,顿时让我觉得找到组织啦! 万方的年轻人逐个介绍了新产品,人民日报社的电子产品也很棒,只是我的精力有些不济,为Heinrich 博士的翻译也越来越差,会后她提前回饭店休息。她的谢辞和拥抱勾起了大家分别前的感伤。我甚至没有勇气和他们道别。好在明年三月芝加哥会重聚!

Brand New NLC and World Digital Library Agreement

Wednesday, November 19th, 2008

We met Dir. Zhan Furui at the National Library of China on October 21 in its new building, followed by a series of PPT presentations on digital libraries and overseas Chinese study projects. I am glad to learn that Mr. Zhan just signed the World Digital Library agreement at LC.

Optimism and Collaboration

Monday, August 4th, 2008

Good to be home! and great to be back in sunny Richmond BC! The Institute has been wrapped up on August 2nd with many songs and hugs, although related phone and email messages are following me home. Tim Jewel used the two words describing the UW library leader, Betsy Wilson. Back to his session on […]

Reunion on Microsoft Campus

Friday, August 1st, 2008

Small world! The largest research group of MS is in Beijing, and the most UW school friends work for MS. The headquarter campus visit is like a library school reunion party. When Linda Shaw reminded me our group study back at school, all those gentle smiling faces came to my mind again. Besides profs and […]

Institutional Repositories & Web Management

Thursday, July 31st, 2008

Like UBC, UW faculty hasn’t got to buy in. ( Blue Angels just flew by and made the noise. ) Librarians try to help Graduate School on Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Relevant work is being handled by committees and subject librarians. About 80 web authors across the system, look and feel is handled by the […]

OpenURL and OAI

Thursday, July 31st, 2008

OpenURL is transferring the information about an item from the information provider via a Link- Server. OpenURL can embed CrossRef DOI’s, and CrossRef DOI’s can be used to send OpenURL to libraries. This helps publishers and libraries collaborate to optimize the services for the ultimate consumers of their information. The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for […]

Fun Story from Aggregators in China

Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

Chinese Medical Association Journal bought by Wanfang created the first ejournal publisher, and traditional publishers started to withdraw from the Big Three and transform to e-publishing. Is this the main reason of missing titles and issues from CNKI?

Trends in Chinese Studies

Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

Prof. Madeleine Dong, Professor of History and Chair of the China Studies Program at UW thinks that Chinese historical studies is influenced by Sino-American relationship, not really history itself. Unlike Japan, China was studied as a model of failure. Its starting point is China’s reaction to Western influcence. Social history was developed a great deal […]

Chinese Digitization

Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

Prof. Joyce Chen shifts her topic to technical side today. Stanford made Guomindang archive into 35 mm microfilm first, microfilm readers can make into digital files. Ming archives with colorful seals should be scanned directly. Workflow includes: Metadata, digital objects and handle system Ontology, clustering, etc organized information Searching, browsing, portal, Web2.0 Digitizing text needs […]

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