Chinese Digitization
by Jing Liu ~ July 30th, 2008. Filed under: Summer Institute for Chinese Studies Librariship.Prof. Joyce Chen shifts her topic to technical side today. Stanford made Guomindang archive into 35 mm microfilm first, microfilm readers can make into digital files. Ming archives with colorful seals should be scanned directly. Workflow includes:
Metadata, digital objects and handle system
Ontology, clustering, etc organized information
Searching, browsing, portal, Web2.0
Digitizing text needs to save the original file first and then convert it to HTML, PDF or RTF, etc; Manuscripts need re-enter or OCR; image if full-text searching is not required. E-books use XML files (OEBPS structure). The format (TIFF, JFIF, GIF) is decided by the usage of preservation, download or just preview. Prof. Chen touches on av digitization technology as well.Deep link between different digital content products are based on OpenURL. It’s not free for DOI, at least $1. Unique identifier is needed at the very beginning, such as the National Cutural Heritage Project names its all artifacts.
Tim Berners-Lee’s semantic web is still a concept. Is Clusty representing this concept? or there should be more possibilities? Yunshan showed me Cuil, which was developed by Google Veteran, really Cool!
July 30th, 2008 at 11:41 pm
Thanks for the information about digitization of Chinese collections.
I searched “UBC Asian Library” using Cuil, and got nothing. It takes time for Cuil to catch up with Google.