In Guiyang, 10/24-10/29

by Jing Liu ~ November 23rd, 2011

Our TGAG team was finally formed in Beijing and I flew back down south to Guiyang to attend the Society’s annual meeting and to train the librarians in Guizhou Province. Although our trainees work in an underdeveloped province, they asked good questions and have strong desire to contribute to their communities. I was impressed by the girl who stood up and asked me questions. We had similar experience, and she is keen volunteering on top of a full-time job. Her email reached me right before I start to teach in Wuhan.


Taiwan Impression

by Jing Liu ~ November 20th, 2011

It’s very hot and humid. People are friendly, especially the Library staff. My classmates are from all over the world. I am glad getting to know the ladies from Australia, Mr. Shen from Singapore, Brian from Michigan and Roger from Sweden, a serious scholar and very funny person. Hye-jin was the last one registered. She’s lucky having the support from Notre-Dame even months before she starts to work there. Our academic programs are properly recorded here, so just some quick notes on this post.
Evening outing to Yuanshan Hotel. Yilan Musuem
My favourite is the program on Oct. 19.
Hu Shi Park near Academia Sinica. (Picture at the bottom)

Rush Hour in Taipei, 10/17/2011

by Jing Liu ~ November 18th, 2011

Jade likes to walk over to our class. So many motor cycles on the road. People are in fast pace, polite and quiet rushing to different directions.

We pass by a huge Memorial Park and the Library is facing the Memorial Hall, but on a much quieter block, near the Presidential building.


by Jing Liu ~ November 17th, 2011




Drum Wave Islet (鼓浪屿), 10/14/2011

by Jing Liu ~ November 17th, 2011

I love this car-free island and enjoy strolling around its quiet and windy alleys. We took the ferry here in the late afternoon, when most tourists are going back to the city.

Xiamen U, 10/13/2011

by Jing Liu ~ November 17th, 2011

I like the green campus by the ocean in Xiamen. Uncle Xiao is so much fun to be with. He appointed many sisters, and a niece. He has a very casual and encouraging management style. I gave him my new book. His present has been with me for many stops around the world. He’s been working with Zhu Ping shipping English books to Chinese universities.

Glad to meet so many Canadians in Xiamen.

Superstar's "iPad"

Rare Book in CASS, 10/12/2011

by Jing Liu ~ November 17th, 2011

A’Huang has already connected me to the History Institute. She was busy training that day, so Lao Liu took me to Mr. Yuan, who generously showed me the unique item, a hand-written copy from early Qing.

CASS has my Childhood friends and Wuhan U buddies. The hyper-exciting chat can never end, all my needs in Beijing are their prioritized responsibility.
They travel and spend their vacation time together, their kids can also play together. I envy them and hope they can bring me this kind of group activities to Vancouver some time soon.

Since CASS libraries have so much treasures, I’d come back many times in the future. They promised me that they won’t change jobs and will retire in their current positions. One-day reunion is too short, we promised to meet again when I return from Taipei. Yeah, I will have my book royalties then.

Donation to the Orphanage, 10/11/2011

by Jing Liu ~ November 16th, 2011

First thing we did in China was to visit this orphanage in Fangshan District of Beijing city. Respresenting the Society, along with our vendor, Ms. Zhang Ying’s company, we donated new books to the lovely children and their loving care givers.

Helen in the baby room reminded me about our Helen (Kim)'s plan.


by Jing Liu ~ November 4th, 2011

武汉市馆的开幕式上,陈传夫突然低声说, 黄老师走了。 培训的事就在眼前, 各位领导还在讲话, 我却忍不住走出了报告厅。徐鸿和我在厦门黄老生日那天想打电话祝寿,可是很晚都没人接电话。刚到武汉就听到噩耗,走廊里魏主任看出了我的异常,我说只是需要安静地怀念一下我的老师。

我高考那年是黄老师代表武大到北京招生的。受〈女大学生宿舍〉的影响一心想上武大,第一志愿新闻系,第二才是图书馆系。高考成绩比我想像的高出不少,满以为这辈子会当上记者,不料到了武汉, 出席的是图书馆的迎新会。 黄老师找到我, 说是他看到我的成绩,主动把我录取到图书馆专业。新闻系刚成立,无法与图书馆系相提并论。我当时实在不能理解这一生就如此注定了。现在想来,黄老师的决策和教诲至关重要。遗憾的是我不能参加他的葬礼,但是我回来了,是反馈培育过我的导师和我度过4年青春岁月的城市。 黄老师,您的话都应验了。 我以身为您的学生为荣,我知道您也为我骄傲!

Picture from Mingle@Asian Library

by Jing Liu ~ October 2nd, 2011

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