Two projects selected through the in-class Pitch-and-Judge session advanced to HUBBUB #13 at Vancouver City Hall. Organized by CityStudio Vancouver, HUBBUB is an end-of-semester showcase event featuring student projects from UBC, SFU, BCIT, Langara College, and Emily Carr.

2019 Ideathon Challenge — Judges’ Choice Projects

Site A: ‘Watson Street Lane’

    • Project Title: “Whatever the Weather” — A laneway space that is environmentally inviting and can be used by different groups of people in all weather, seasons, and times of day.
    • Team Name: New Kids In The Laneway

Site B: ‘Main Alley’

    • Project Title: “The Lounge” — A safe, inclusive destination for relaxation and play where social connections can be built and community ties strengthened.
    • Team Name: Alley RRRATs


Student member from Team ‘New Kids In The Laneway’ describing the project to event attendee / Dec-06-2019. Photographed by Su-Jan Yeo.


Student member from Team ‘New Kids In The Laneway’ describing the project to event attendees / Dec-06-2019. Photographed by Su-Jan Yeo.


Student members from Team ‘New Kids In The Laneway’ with TA Paul Boniface Akaabre and Instructor Dr. Su-Jan Yeo / Dec-06-2019. Photographed by Meryem Belkadi.


Student members from Team ‘Alley RRRATs’ with TA Meryem Belkadi and Instructor Dr. Su-Jan Yeo / Dec-06-2019.


Student members representing Team ‘Alley RRRATs’ awarded 3rd place for their group project at HUBBUB #13 / Dec-06-2019. Photographed by Helena Baik.


Student representatives from Team ‘Alley RRRATs’ and Team ‘New Kids In The Laneway’ with their PLAN 211 peers; Ileana Costrut (CityStudio Projects Coordinator); Paul Boniface Akaabre (PLAN 211 Teaching Assistant); Dr. Su-Jan Yeo (PLAN 211 Course Instructor).

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