The 2019 Ideathon Challenge brought to focus two locations (“Site A” and “Site B”) as hypothetical test cases for thinking through the concept of a laneway activation with the overarching goal of investigating the potential of laneways to contribute toward a vibrant and high-quality public life for residents and visitors alike.

Site A: ‘Watson Street Lane’ (north-south laneway between 14th Ave & 15th Ave and east of Main Street)

Site B: ‘Main Alley’ (north-south laneway between Broadway & 7th Ave and west of Main Street)


    • PROBLEM DEFINITION & SITE ANALYSIS: To conduct a rigorous analysis of the site in order to gather crucial information about its existing physical and spatial attributes, supplemented by relevant research on the social and economic dimensions of the area.
    • VISION & CONCEPT: To develop the vision and concept (which often includes strategic goals) for a novel laneway activation idea.
    • ACTION PLAN DOCUMENT: To propose an outline of key steps toward implementing the idea, which might include aspects such as: partnerships with actors and stakeholders; processes for approvals and permits by the relevant authorities; funding models for project sustainability; etc.


Upon successful completion of the Ideathon Challenge, students could expect to:

    • Apply knowledge and skills to a real-world project as a member of an interdisciplinary team.
    • Develop collaboration skills to work effectively in an interdisciplinary team.
    • Develop creative problem-solving skills to generate a novel solution that addresses a real-world challenge.
    • Develop communication skills to articulate an innovative idea aimed at a diverse audience.


Student teams were required to deliver the following:

    • Presentation Pitch with Slide Deck
    • Action Plan Documentation
    • Exhibition Poster (HUBBUB teams)


The project theme and scope of the 2019 Ideathon Challenge was made possible through a collaboration with CityStudio Vancouver and the Broadway Plan project at City of Vancouver.

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