The 2022 Ideathon Challenge (Finale Edition) brought into focus the City’s fiscal responsibility to ensure the long-term health and sustainability of publicly-owned lands in False Creek South (FCS) and the pressure to increase housing capacity and choice in the city core.


    • PROBLEM DEFINITION: To narrow the overarching problem thus bringing focus to a specific site within the FCS boundary and identifying its core issues of concern. Further, to explain the significance of the site and issues — articulate the importance of addressing them (or implications of leaving them unaddressed).
    • VISION & OBJECTIVES: To experiment with out-of-the-box thinking — a visionary idea with a set of objectives grounded by rigorous research and supported by in-depth planning analysis.
    • PROPOSED SOLUTION: To thoroughly describe the visionary idea, explaining how the proposed solution addresses the problem and the benefits gained from achieving the set of objectives.


Upon successful completion of the Ideathon Challenge, students could expect to:

    • Develop collaboration skills by working effectively in an interdisciplinary team.
    • Develop creative problem-solving skills by generating novel solutions (ideas) toward an authentic planning scenario.
    • Develop communication skills by articulating complex ideas in a compelling manner for a diverse audience.


Student teams were required to deliver the following:

    • Presentation Pitch with Slide Deck
    • Concept Document
    • Exhibition Poster and 15-second Pitch Video (HUBBUB teams)


The project theme and scope of the 2022 Ideathon Challenge (Finale Edition) was made possible through a collaboration with CityStudio Vancouver and the City of Vancouver (Community Planning).

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