Category Archives: Science Communication

To Bee or Not to Bee

Can you imagine a world without honeybees? At first glance, bees can be quite frightening, especially if you are allergic to them.  However, honeybee populations are currently on a steady decline and a loss of these insects can have serious effects on our society.  As it is these small pollinators that have a hand in providing us with a third of what you see in all produce departments. Not to mention, the delicious honey that they provide us.


A group of honey bees. Image credit:

Pollination is an incredibly important step in producing new healthy plants, some of which are used as food by humans and other species. There are two types of pollination: cross-pollination and self-pollination. Cross-pollination is the process of plant reproduction that requires an external mechanism, such as insects or wind, to transfer the pollen of one plant to another plant of the same species. On the other hand, self-pollination only needs the pollen produced by itself to reproduce.

If pollinators, such as bees, are not in abundance, it can put pressure on plants to self-pollinate, which can lower genetic diversity in plants. A decrease in genetic diversity in one species can lead to a decrease in biodiversity among species’ which can be very harmful to an ecosystem.  Some plants can self-pollinate without penalty, but for others, pollinators are crucial to maintaining genetic diversity in the species.

P1080306 Bombus Rhinanthus

A bumblebee and Rhinanthus minor. Image credit: Dr. Hargreaves

In research led by Dr. Anna Hargreaves, a herb called Rhinanthus minor was studied in the Rocky mountains of Alberta. Interestingly, this herb is able to self-pollinate successfully, but also produces flowers that attract bees to promote cross-pollination. She investigated how a reduction in bee visitations might affect the distribution of the plant. Watch the video below for more details on her research.

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As mentioned earlier, honeybee populations are quickly declining. This is a problem because honeybees are considered to be the primary pollinator of the majority of human food crops. There are several causes thought to affect honeybee populations, including several chemicals contained in pesticides used in agriculture. For this reason, it is important to take immediate action to prevent a decline in the honeybee population.

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Image credit (from podcast) :

Next time you’re eating peaches, honey, or receiving flowers as a gift, think about how bees have contributed to your life, and what you can do to make sure these products and the bees are available in the future.

Stay buzzy as a bee,

Group 3
Candace Chang, Dixon Leroux, Dorothy Ordogh, & Rafael Alfaro

3-D Printer Changes Building Industry

Have you heard about the new innovative technology, the 3-D printer? Well, the 3-D printer is a printer which has been recently developed and is presumed as the “ultimate builder” for practically anything. From medical equipment to bones and body parts, the 3-D printer is capable making of countless things.

Mojo 3D Printer Photocredits: Wikimedia Commons

Until recently, the 3-D printer was only able to print small objects. The 3-D printer has now been designed for larger scaled objects, such as printing houses and other infrastructures. A Chinese company calleded Winsun has claimed to have built 10 houses in 24 hours (see video below). While in other places, such as Amsterdam, there is a company, DUS Architect, that is replacing cement and mortar with bio-based renewable resources to build houses using 3-D printers. (A link to the DUS Architect Video story)

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Video credit: New China TV

The new technology will be much safer than the conventional method of building and will be cheaper. Alternative materials can be used instead of cement and other common building materials, which are be environmentally threatening. This idea of a machine replacing thousands of construction workers may not sound appealing, but there are some places in the world where there are not enough workers. For example, in developing countries, the working conditions are harsh and workers may not have the correct tools to build a safe house. If a house can be built in 24 hours, people will have a much sturdier and safer house with minimal labor and can be much more affordable.

Photo Credits: Wikipedia

3-D printers may just be the starting point of a completely different lifestyle for the future. With the countless number of uses it has, 3-D printers can replace many machines and potentially reduce harmful actions such as pollution.

-Tommy Kim

To Sip Or To Not Sip? The Benefits of Coffee on Health

Image Courtesy of: Flickr Commons

Image Courtesy of: Flickr Commons

After water, coffee is the most popular beverage consumed worldwide. There are countless reasons that people consume coffee on a day-to-day basis. Many people drink it to stay awake during a long day. Some people drink it in the morning to wake themselves up. According to the National Coffee Association, in 2012 over 64% of U.S. adults over the age of 18, regularly drank coffee. Many people wonder if this number is something to worry about – what kind of effect does coffee have on our overall health? Luckily for all those coffee drinkers out there, there are numerous health benefits for drinking that morning cup of joe.

In a recent study, coffee has been found to have a positive effect on Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease is a disorder caused by progressive impairment of neurons in the brain, usually occurring in the aging population. When these neurons function normally, they produce dopamine; a transmitter that serves as a messenger between parts of the brain. This lack of dopamine seen in Parkinson’s disease causes poor coordination and muscle motion, ultimately leading to loss of control of body movements. The caffeine in coffee helps prevent the dopamine deficits that are characteristic of Parkinson’s. Therefore a higher intake of coffee is associated with a lower incidence of Parkinson’s disease.

Both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Effect the Aging Population Image Courtesy of: Flickr Commons

Both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Effect the Aging Population
Image Courtesy of: Flickr Commons

According to this same study, coffee may prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease as well. Alzheimer’s disease is a type of brain disorder that causes problems with behavior and memory, occurring more frequently in the aging population and those with damaged neurons in the brain. A component of coffee beans called Trigonelline showed regeneration of nerves in the brain, significantly improving memory in Alzheimer’s patients. To be clear, coffee consumption does not cause a decline in the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, it is associated with reduced risk of Alzheimer’s, and a reduction of some of the common symptoms of Alzheimer’s patients.

Additionally, another study showed that coffee drinking is inversely associated with mortality, meaning coffee consumption is associated with living a longer life. A comparison was done between men who drink coffee and men who don’t, and it was seen that coffee drinkers had a 10% lower risk of death. When comparing females, a 15% lower risk of death was seen in those drinking coffee. Coffee consumption was also found to be inversely related to major causes of death such as heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, diabetes and infections.

These studies have shown that coffee consumption has an inverse relationship with death and disease of many causes. All in all, coffee is surprisingly found to have an overall positive effect on people’s health. So welcome that morning coffee, and know that it is having a positive effect on your health!

Check out this video on the positive effects of coffee!

YouTube Video Courtesy of: Natural Foods Diet

Posted by: Alex Ensing


The Cure to Cancer May Only Be a Sip Away

The Oral Cancer Foundation reports that oral cancer is responsible for over 8,000 deaths per year in the United States alone. That is an average of one death per hour. Oral cancer can target many areas of the mouth and neck, such as the tongue, lips, and lymph nodes (oval-shaped organs). Fortunately, researchers have been studying the effects of a very popular drink that could lead to promising treatments for oral cancer.


Mitochondria in a Cell, Source: Flickr Commons

The article, Green tea ingredient may target protein to kill oral cancer cells, published in January 2015 states that a compound in green tea may be able to treat patients with oral cancer. Researchers at Penn State’s Center for Plant and Mushroom Foods for Health studied epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a compound found in green tea. They compared the affects of EGCG on normal human oral cells versus human oral cancer cells. They grew these cells in petri dishes and exposed them to the compound. Surprisingly, they found that EGCG damages the mitochondria in only oral cancer cells. The mitochondria are vital parts of the cell that provides energy, but once they become damaged, they are unable to function correctly. This type of disruption to the mitochondria will cause the oral cancer cells to undergo programmed cell death.


A Cup of Green Tea, Source: Wikimedia Commons

Dr. Lambert, the co-director at Penn State’s Center for Plant and Mushroom Foods for Health, argues that the selective nature of EGCG to attack oral cancer cells and not normal cells may be applied to other types of cancers as well. He also mentions the benefits of consuming green tea over current  methods to treat cancer. For instance, chemotherapy drugs target rapidly dividing cells, but cannot differentiate between fast-growing cancer cells and normal dividing cells in your hair follicles and intestines. Unfortunately, these drugs can cause harmful and unpleasant side effects like hair loss, nausea, and vomiting. However, the selective nature of green tea may be able treat cancer patients without the presence of these terrible side effects. Overall, consuming green tea would be less harmful and also a lot cheaper than existing cancer treatments.

So, can we state with certainty that you will be able to drink your way to a cure to cancer in the future? The current research looks promising, but only through further research, like clinical trials can we really determine if a sip of green tea will in fact be the new anti-cancer treatment.

Check out the video below uploaded by for more information on green tea!

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By: Navjit Moore

That’s Nuts! A New Take on Allergy Treatment

Everyone knows the best way to treat allergies is to avoid what causes them, right? Well, according to a recent study that is not the case. But before we go into that, we need to know a little about what allergies really are.


Image credit: Salt Room Millenia Wellnes Center

Everyone has heard of them, but what are they really? Generally speaking, an allergy is an over-reaction of the body’s immune system to something that is harmless for most people, such as eggs, pollen, or peanuts. These substances are called ‘allergens’, and the immune responses they cause can do serious harm. More information on allergens can be found in the video below, credit to eMedTv YouTube channel.

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So, why do people have allergies anyway? This question stumped scientists until DP Strachan proposed in 1989 that allergies develop primarily from the lifestyle changes of our modern society, such as increased hygiene and cleanliness. This idea has come to be commonly known as ‘the hygiene hypothesis‘. The basic principle of the hypothesis, that less exposure to certain substances causes allergies, appears to hold true under more recent analysis.

Food Allergies cause 200 000 emergency room visits each year in the U.S., with more than 15 million Americans living with food allergies. From 1997 to 2008 the number of reported peanut allergies in the U.S. tripled, breaking three million cases according to Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE). This time period coincided with increasing attempts to lower exposure of children to peanuts. Clearly something isn’t working.

Nut Free Logo Nut free school logo

Image credit:

With understanding of allergies, why they arise, and how they affect people, the importance of finding effective treatment methods becomes clear. Using logic that follows from the hygiene hypothesis, one research group may have found a strikingly simple solution.

In a paper published February 2015, Du Toit and associates studied 640 infants, 4-11 months old, that were at risk of developing peanut allergies and separated them into two treatment groups. The first group were exposed to small amounts of peanut butter routinely, while the second group completely avoided peanuts, continuing until 5 years of age. The group with peanut exposure developed peanut allergies with remarkably-less frequency than the second group(1.9% compared to 13.9%).

So what does this mean? Should people start feeding their kids peanuts to avoid a serious allergy? The answer to that is absolutely not. This study was undergone with careful scrutiny by expert physicians to ensure minimal risk. What it does mean, is that allergy treatment is going to be changing in the near future, and hopefully the rate of allergies changes too.

-Dixon Leroux

Comfort Food: Fact or Myth?

When we are having a bad day – whether it be from getting a bad grade, or from going through a rough breakup – many of us turn to some sort of favorite food;  a comfort food. Some of us love ice cream, some of us want chocolate, or salty foods like chips. When people are in negative moods they seek these comfort foods because they believe these foods will help improve their mood. Do comfort foods actually help improve mood, or is the idea of comfort foods just a myth?

Image Courtesy of: Flickr Commons

Image Courtesy of: Flickr Commons

Recent studies have looked into whether or not comfort foods actually have the ability to positively impact people’s moods.

One study suggests that consuming high-carbohydrate and high-fat foods produces improved moods for a very short period of time (normally just for a few minutes).

In another study, participants were first asked to complete an online questionnaire to specify their favorite comfort foods. Chocolate was the most common favorite comfort food, followed by ice cream, cookies and then brownies.

Following this questionnaire, participants were asked to watch films that induced a negative mood, and then were given comfort food (ex. chocolate, ice cream, cookies, or brownies). A week later participants were asked to watch another film that induced a negative mood, and then were served an equally liked non-comfort food (ex. almonds, cashews, or popcorn), a neutrally liked food, or no food at all.

Image Courtesy of: Flickr Commons

Image Courtesy of: Flickr Commons

Their short-term mood changes were measured using a questionnaire that consisted of mood words (ex. anxious, sad, happy), which participants were asked to rate their current emotional state on a scale from 1 (very slightly/not at all) to 5 (extremely).
Unfortunately for comfort food believers such as myself, these studies found that comfort foods did cause improvements in mood, but to the same extent that other foods or absence of food can cause. In other words, comfort foods improve moods to the same extent that any type of food, or no food at all can. The improvement in mood thought to be caused by comfort foods seems to be caused by negative moods naturally disappearing over time.

So next time you are in a bad mood and thinking about grabbing a chocolate bar, try grabbing something healthier instead! An apple and a chocolate bar will have the same effect on your mood, and the apple will keep you healthy as well!

Check out this video for a summary on the findings of the second study:

YouTube video courtesy of: DNews

Posted by: Alex Ensing

Creating Electricity – the FUN way

Around 1.3 billion people in the world lack  access to a reliable electricity source. What if there was a partial solution to this electricity scarcity? Soccket – a electricity producing soccer ball – is a new innovation that was founded in 2011. This soccer ball generates electricity by converting mechanical energy (from kicking or hitting the ball) into electrical energy.

President Obama kicks Soccket Source: DailyMail

President Obama kicks Soccket ball. Source: DailyMail

Soccer is the most inexpensive and popular sport enjoyed worldwide. All you need is a soccer ball whether it be a normal soccer ball or a ball made from straws. You just need a ball and some markers down for goal posts to play.

Soccket is just like any soccer ball except for its high technology. Soccket weighs 17 ounces (1 ounce heavier than a normal soccer ball) and it is embedded with high-coiled sensors that convert energy. A plug is located on the outside for LED lamps or for charging mobile phones. It is estimated that 30 minutes of playing soccer with Soccket can result in up to 3 hours of power for a LED lamp.

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Kids playing soccer. Source: pixabay

Kids playing soccer. Source: pixabay

In underdeveloped countries, having an off-grid power source, as they mention, is very rare. With the help of Soccket, kids will be able to bring home a light source to help them with their homework, or to read a book at night. The future plan is to distribute Soccket balls to schools so that kids can play and have fun, while generating electricity at the same time.

The project has now expanded to making jump ropes that generate up to 2 hours of electricity with 15 minutes of jumping (about 4 times more efficient than Soccket). With advancing technology and research, the world can enjoy creating energy.

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– Tommy Kim