Digital Information Preserved as DNA

Being able to preserve information for generations to come is an important aspect of preserving our culture and society. A new method of storing digital information as DNA molecules is expected to have a longer survival period than the current optical and magnetic storage techniques such as hard drives.

Laptop Hard Drive

A laptop hard disc drive; Image Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

The problem with current storage methods such as hard drives or optical discs such as Blu-Ray Disc is that they are not deemed reliable past 50 years for storing data without data being lost. While our current methods may not have the longevity needed it has been found that DNA fragments have survived intact for over a three-hundred thousand years. This ability of the DNA to be preserved for such long periods might be the answer to our long term storage problem. The catch with this long term preservation of DNA comes with it needing specific environmental conditions, mainly temperature, to remain intact with its data readable.

The research looking into using DNA encapsulated in silica (glass) as a storage system included subjecting DNA that held information to various high temperatures a for a week to simulate the ageing process and the aftermath of the trials found that the information was still readable off the DNA without any errors. The data found suggests that if the DNA was kept at lower temperatures then the DNA could be preserved for very long periods of time, a suggested 2000 years if stored at around 10° C and an impressive 2 million years if stored at a frosty -18° C.

Fortunately the Svalbard Global Seed Vault located in the Arctic has just the facilities for such low temperature preservation.


The Entrance to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault; Image Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons


The Global Seed Vault’s main purpose is as a storage facility to freeze various seed samples from plants around the world to ensure that the world’s crops will be available for the future generations. The facility exists in the arctic where permafrost reigns so that even in the event of a power failure the samples will remain frozen and intact for the future generations.

With the facility of the Global Seed Vault already usable the next step for the storage of information via DNA is to encode some information and to store it for longer trials at the low temperature to see the results. With this research we as humans are closer to being able to preserve our vast collections of information for generations to come.

– Matthew Leupold

How Long Will You Live? A “DNA Clock” May Give You the Answer

Many factors may influence our lifespan, for example whether to diet, exercise or smoke. Some of the relationships are clear; however, some are not. Even with certain connections, the precise lifespan still cannot be told.

Will you be interested in if there is a molecular clock inside you which can predict how longer you will live? Scientists have identified a biological clock that could help predict a person’s lifespan by analyzing DNA methylation, a chemical change in DNA.


Photo credits: Google image

Researchers from the University of Edinburgh, collaborating with scientist in Australia and the US found that certain chemical changes to our DNA which accumulate over time can be used to predict our lifespan. With further study, scientists found that the difference between estimated age and a person’s real age can be used as a “DNA clock” to predict people’s age. In order to calculate an individual’s DNA clock, researchers compared the volunteer’s actual age with the age shown by methylation in their DNA. Based on information collecting in 14 years, scientists reported that those whose biological age was greater that their actual age were likely to die sooner than those whose biological and chronological age were the same.

Photo Credits to Google image

 “At present, it is not clear what lifestyle or genetic factors influence a person’s biological age. We have several follow-up projects planned to investigate this in detail.”

—Dr. Riccardo Marioni, who is a member in the research team

From previous studies, factors like lifestyle and environmental influence may change the degree of DNA methylation.

“This new research increases our understanding of longevity and healthy aging,” lead scientist Professor Ian Deary said in a news release. “It is exciting as it has identified a novel indicator of aging, which improves the prediction of lifespan over and above the contribution factors such as smoking, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.”

In other related study posted on Nov.2014, Russian scientists believe they’re able to extend our lifespans with new miracle drug.

by Xindi Wang

Bilingual Chimpanzees

Humans have developed the amazing capability to learn new languages, dialects, accents and become multilingual. However, have you ever heard of animals learning new languages? In a recent study, led by Dr. Katie Slocombe from the University of York, nine chimpanzees from the Beekse Bergen Safari Park, in the Netherlands, had been relocated to Scotland’s Edinburgh Zoo. Interestingly, each group of chimpanzees had their own distinctive grunts to represent different types of foods. The Dutch chimpanzees loved apples and had originally called for apples using a high-pitched yell. Whereas the Scottish chimpanzees were less enthusiastic about apples compared to the Dutch chimps and had used a lower-pitched grunt.

After a year into the study, the two groups of chimpanzees were still observed to have two distinct calls for apples. Moreover, the social interactions between the groups were very minimal. However, after three years of integration, the Dutch chimpanzees had learned and adopted the lower-pitched grunts the Scottish chimps had used to call for apples. As well, it was noted that the social interactions between the Dutch and Scottish chimps had increased dramatically. Although, the Dutch chimps had adopted the new call, their preference for apples had remained unchanged.


Dutch chimpanzees adopt Scottish grunt for apples.  YouTube video courtesy of New Scientist.  

This is an interesting study as it was initially thought that one unique characteristic of the human language is the ability to represent the same events and objects using different words across different cultural languages. However, from this study it indicates that that characteristic may have evolved from one of our earlier ancestors, the primates. In addition, although the study did not discuss in detail the initial transition of the two groups during integration, I found it quite astonishing that the two groups did not kill one another as chimpanzees are known to be quite aggressive and territorial animals. Therefore from this study, we see a much softer and gentler side of the interaction between two different clans of chimpanzees which is quite surprising.

Although it is quite difficult to determine the exact reason for the observed change, Dr. Slocombe thinks it could be due to the goal of communicating better with one another or for social reasons. She believes that it is similar to humans as humans who speak the same language or have the same accent tend to get along better with one another. Nonetheless, this study still portrays a great example of animals learning new languages.

– Candace Chang

Veganism–Health Benefits and some Misconceptions

Being vegan is not quite an easy thing to do, but I do enjoy it. When people ask me “why did you become vegan?” I say it is mainly due to its health benefits. Veganism has been going on for such a long time that there has been a lot of research on it. Some people think that following a vegan diet leads to a poor state of the body; however, it has been proved that veganism is the opposite.

First, let’s review what vegan means. As the Vegetarian Resource Group defined “vegetarians do not eat meat, fish, or poultry. Vegans, in addition to being vegetarian, do not use other animal products and by-products […].”

The Vegan Pyramid              Source: Google Images

I would like to start with how a vegan diet improves our health in several different ways. The Nursing School catalog has listed some diseases that vegan diets may help reducing. Among those, there are cardiovascular diseases and different types of cancer, lower cholesterol levels, reduced blood pressure, lower Body Mass Index, and weight loss (if a balanced diet is followed).

Furthermore, following a vegan diet also improves the levels of some vitamins and essential elements to our body. Examples of such are Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Magnesium, Potassium, fiber, and antioxidants. In addition, vegan diets contain less saturated fats.

Berries, a source of Antioxidants      Source: Google Images

Now I would like to switch gears and present you some of the misconceptions about vegan diets. The question that most people ask is “where do you get your protein?” The fact is that there are several protein sources in a variety of forms. Vegan Coach provides a list of the items that contain lots of protein, in which beans, lentils, leafy dark greens, nuts (peanut butter!), and tofu (and tempeh) are the richest ones.

Another myth that VegKitchen remarks is that vegans are considered to take a significant number of supplements. In order to get all the essential nutrients our body needs, one has to eat a balanced healthy diet; this includes whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables, and nuts.

Nevertheless, there is some truth that B-12 deficiency is common among vegans. The way to treat this is by indeed taking supplements as Sharon Palmer claims in her paper since B-12 is a vitamin found in animal products. However, I got a blood test done and my B-12 levels were above the average.

Last but not least some people think that us, vegans, are limited to eating salads are fruits. Personally, I would totally disagree with that. I have read a couple of books (Veganomicon is my favorite one) that give lots of recipes with foods I would have never thought about.

Vegan Power Source: Google Images

In conclusion, vegan diets are a healthy diet even if it does not involve consuming meat, dairy or fish. The American Diet Association (ADA) confirms “appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.”

For your enjoyment here is a YouTube video from that shows how to make Chia Pudding Parfait (Vegan). 😉

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Is Artificial Photosynthesis a Solution to the Global Energy problem?

One of the greatest problems facing mankind is the search for renewable energy. One potential solution is inspired by photosynthesis in nature. Photosynthesis combines water, carbon dioxide(CO2) and energy from the sun to store energy as sugar, which also releases oxygen. This principle is illustrated below.


Image source: National Energy Education Development Project (NEED)

The idea behind artificial photosynthesis is to create a man made system, or ‘artificial leaf’, that allows water and sunlight to react and form hydrogen gas(H2) to store chemical energy instead of glucose(sugar). This is significant because the hydrogen gas can be stored and utilized as a fuel source.

David Nocera of Harvard University explains the basic principle of artificial photosynthesis using an artificial leaf. Nocera also goes on to say that artificial photosynthesis still has to overcome high engineering costs to become commercially viable. Nocera’s lab is actively researching the topic to try and find more economical methods of artificial photosynthesis. Full David Nocera BBC interview below.

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One review paper visually illustrates how a large scale H2 power plant could operate using sunlight and seawater as inputs. Also shown are green energy sources to enable the power plant to be completely self-sufficient and sustainable.

Vision of a sustainable hydrogen fuel community based on APS.

From Nature article: ‘Artificial photosynthesis for solar water-splitting’ by Yasuhiro Tachibana, Lionel Vayssieres & James R. Durrant

New research suggests that in addition to creating a hydrogen fuel source, artificial photosynthesis may be able to lower atmospheric CO2. This would require a system that more closely emulates natural photosynthesis, using CO2 as well as water and sunlight to create a type of hydrocarbon(contains both hydrogen and carbon) fuel. Atmospheric CO2 is a major contributor to climate change so this would effectively be ‘killing two birds with one stone’ as far as global issues are concerned. The possibility of reducing atmospheric CO2 further sells the case of artificial photosynthesis as a leading energy source for the future.

Artificial photosynthesis surely has some desirable qualities, but is it the solution to the global energy problem? Well, possibly, but not in the immediate future. A full switch to H2 fuel would be a long process involving engineering of new infrastructure for transportation, such as motor vehicle engines.

Research on the topic is fast evolving and it will not be long until artificial photosynthesis is highly efficient with cheap materials. The real challenge now will be turning laboratory research into a large-scale commercially viable energy source. Can we do it? Only time will tell.

-Dixon Leroux

Sitting Leads to Premature Death?

Right now, as you are sitting and reading this blog, you are inviting a premature death. A recent study by Biswas et al. in the Annals of Internal Medicine journal states that sedentary time, i.e. time sitting down, shows a correlation to the risks of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and some cancer types. These diseases allude us to people lacking physical activity however, in the study done by Biswas et al., it is suggested otherwise.

Sedentary Time. Source: Google Images

Sedentary Time. Source:Simpsons Wikia

Physical activity is emphasized deeply in our everyday lives. Data shows physical inactivity has led to many of deaths and is believed that physical activity decreases the risk of diseases. However, in the study done by Biswas et al., the correlation between sedentary time and diseases is independent to physical activity. A related study suggests that reallocating 30-minutes of sedentary time everyday showed to be slightly beneficial, whether it be sleeping, physical activity, or even standing up. The study showed unspecific benefits and were not able to come to a conclusion that physical activity was beneficial.

Pressure Points. Source: Wikimedia

Pressure Points. Source: Wikimedia Commons


A CNN coverage on this topic by Jen Christensen suggests that a person should stand up every 30 minutes for 1-3 minutes in order to reduce the risks of these diseases. The coverage suggests that when a person is standing up, there are some pressure points in the body which are activated so that the body secretes certain types of chemicals essential for the body. However, when sitting down, the body does not generate these chemicals hence the increase risk of diseases.


The next video describes in further in detail on how the body responds to prolonged sedentary time.

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Everyone nowadays spends at least half of their day sitting down, whether it be at home watching TV, at work finishing up a presentation, or even sitting down to read a book. Contrastingly, healthy living is emphasized so greatly in our lives. Balancing healthy living and our normal lives can be struggling, but taking small steps can help reach that struggle. Standing up and stretching every 30 minutes or so can help, as well as exercising at least 10 minutes a day can decrease the risk of harmful diseases.

-Tommy Kim