I believe you have noticed, good looks are placed on a greater value nowadays. There are more and more people using different ways to lose weight for a beautiful shape. The fat on many of them is not evenly distributed on their bodies. I was thinking before, how wonderful it would be if I can transfer the fat on my legs and butt to the thin area on my body.
However, it’s hard to fight nature.
Body shapes with fruit symbolization source: kenko.do
People mainly have five different characteristics of body shape which are given the nicknames of fruits. Different shapes represent different fat storage tendency.
I found that no matter how do I control diet or do exercises, fat on my hip and legs seems never change while other areas on my body become smaller. In fact, strict dieting and physical exercising can help shape our bodies differently, but it is impossible to turn you fat naturally distributed in a different way. Why is this happening?
It is because Hormones.
Hormones play a huge role in storing fat and metabolizing energy. Hormones started to be released to your body when you eat something. Base on the type of calories intake such as carbohydrates or protein, your body will determine to release different hormones. For instance, hormone insulin is released when you eat high sugar food to balance blood sugar levels. Insulin is a type of fat storing hormone which reduces blood sugar levels and have strongly effects how you store body fat.
As a conclusion, let’s back up to the very first topic —— losing weight. The only way to be more closer to this goal is keeping exercising as well as having a well balance diet. Although it is unfortunately that we do not have the magic to change the influence of hormones and transfer the fat distribution, but there are still great benefits if you have a healthy life style.
-Tianyi Lian