Assignment 5: Case Study Part I – Adam Larsen, Ewuraba Essel-Appiah, Nyah LaMarre

The urban environment often fails to consider relationships between informal stakeholders in the environment. This submission made an analysis of how the urban environment has characterised relationships between living things at different scales, particularly regarding edge conditions between the different actors, based on personal observations of several sites surrounding lost lagoon. We grouped urban stakeholders at different scales and examined the points on interaction between them, observing how the infrastracture aided/disrupted these interactions. The second part of this assignment will assess and propose ways to boost the synergy between a chosen set of actors- likely by blurring the margins and magnifying fluidity in the built environment.

A1 – Arevik Petrosyan

I looked at an intersection that is located adjacent to an elementary school near the house I grew up in. The neighborhood, like many in Calgary, is not very walkable. On weekdays before school, and after students are dismissed, there is a lot of congestion on this specific intersection and it doesn’t seem like the safest situation to have kids running around in every day.

Excluding the highway, the map below shows the approximate area that can be reached within a 15 minute walk of that intersection, which includes four schools located on the perimeter of a loop created by the two larger roads in the neighborhood. This area includes a handful of bus stops, a gas station, a church, and a lot of single family homes. During the morning school rush the two main roads become incredibly congested and it is nearly impossible to leave this area.

This is a mental map of Calgary and its surroundings. Anything directly adjacent to the train tracks can be reached by the LRT line I live near. I grew up in the “Deep Suburbs” in the South West, and don’t really drive on my own, so my knowledge of what exists in this city is limited to what can be reached by transit in an hour (1h 30 max). As a primarily transit commuter, more than half of this city is entirely unfamiliar to me despite living here for my entire life.

Assignment 1- Mary Xinyue Zhu

Neighbourhood Plan 1:500


Site Plan 1:100



City Diagram: 1: 2000.


The site is located in residential area, and is encircled by Green space, then beaches, and finally the ocean. The colored lines have showed the routes and various zoning around the site, including residential area, cultural museums (Vancouver Maritime Museum, Museum of Vancouver), green spaces, and beaches. The circular distribution of geographical typology has fulfilled people’s experience when they are walking to the beach. I have searched about the walking experience from home to the shoreline.

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