LinkedIn Profile Peer Review for Lisa Liang

To: Lisa Liang, member of Peanut
From: Amy Yung, member of Peanut
Date: November 1, 2019
Subject: Peer Review of your LinkedIn Profile

Hi Lisa, your LinkedIn profile has been reviewed. The profile is completed in all necessary sections and is well-summarized. Overall, it seems to be a good profile, but it could be improved with the following suggestions:

First Impression

–       What are your first thoughts from a brief glance?

–       Is there a headshot and a headline?

–       Is a professional tone used throughout the profile?

–       Did the individual create a unique URL?

–       Is the profile up to date?


The profile is well-organized and detailed. There is a professional headshot, headline and brief summary section. Overall, the profile looks well done. However, it may be beneficial if the headline is amended to focus on your future career path. Furthermore, the profile URL should be customized in order to make the profile more memorable.


Headline & Headshot

–       Does the headline provide a good summary of the individual?

–       Is there a headshot? If so, is it professional or casual?


As mentioned before the headline may need amendments. It currently states “UBC Science”, but in the about section, there is mention of being in UBC’s education program. It is best to update the headline to match your current status. Meanwhile, the headshot looks professional and uses a plain white background.



–       Is this section brief and summarizes the individual well?

–       Does this section highlight the individual’s skills and strengths?

–       Are the individual’s career goals mentioned?

–       How long is the length of this section? Too long, too short or just right?


The first paragraph is a good summary of your education level and job experience. It is hinted that you are aiming for a career in education, but it is best to make that clear and include which subject you wish to focus on. Moreover, the second paragraph seems a bit long explaining your passion in the field of education. This paragraph could be improved if there were more insight on why there was interest in tutoring and how it led to your current career path, skills developed and accomplishments during tutoring experiences. This section is slightly long, so it may be best to solely focus on highlighting your skills and strengths to attract future employers.


Job Experience

–       Are the job experiences listed in chronological order?

–       Does each job experience clearly explain job description?

–       Does each position have the position title and period worked listed?

–       Are skills gained and accomplishments (if any) highlighted?


The job experiences are listed in chronological order with the position and start and end date clearly listed. Each job experience has a detailed job description, but they can better improved if skills gained and accomplishments were briefly touched upon. Moreover, there are many job experiences listed. It would be best to choose the most relevant ones that would impress future employers to keep in this section.


Volunteer Experience

–       Are any volunteer experiences listed? If so, are they relevant to the individual’s aspiring career goals?

–       Are the volunteer experiences listed in chronological order?

Comments: There are no volunteer experiences listed.



–       Is this section listed in chronological order?

–       Is the major/program listed?

–       Are clubs and any accomplishments listed here?


The education section is listed in chronological order and lists the current year standing and program. Moreover, it mentions being in the co-op program which gives insight to future employers that this candidate is experienced in the field. Overall, this section is good, but it can be improved if the faculty was mentioned.


Skills & Endorsements

–       Are the skills listed relevant for future employers?

–       Are soft skills listed as well as technical skills?

–       Have any skills been endorsed?


Many skills are listed in this profile and some even have endorsements. Both soft skills and technical skills are included, but it seems most skills are not relevant to the field of education. This section can benefit if skills related to the field of education were added such as communication and writing skills.


Accomplishments, Licenses & Certifications

–       Are courses (if listed) relevant to the individual’s career path listed?

–       Are the accomplishments, licenses and certifications (if any) listed relevant to the individual’s career path?


There are many accomplishments listed and no licenses and certifications. Although, there are many accomplishments listed, few are relevant to the field of education. Furthermore, some accomplishments were from many years ago. This section can be improved if it displayed recent accomplishments that highlighted skills and strengths relevant to the field of education and subject of interest. Moreover, each accomplishment would benefit if it was further expanded upon such as describing the business proposals in each case competition.



–       Are there any interests listed?

–       Are the interests related to the individual’s career?

–       Did the individual join any professional groups related to their field of interest?


Few interests are listed with the majority being companies worked at and current university. This section would benefit from addition of pages that are on topics of interest or related to education. Moreover, it would be beneficial to join groups that would further or give insight to future career path.


Grammar, Organization & Writing Style

–       Are there any typos, punctuation and grammar errors?

–       Is the layout of the profile easy to read and well-organized?

–       Does the profile use a professional tone?


The profile maintained a professional tone, had few grammar errors and was well-organized.  In the job experience section, each position should be in the past tense instead of present. There are some that is in present tense and some in the past tense. Other grammar errors, typos and suggestions are listed below:

–       In the about section, the first sentence should be, “I am a Math…”

–       The second sentence in the about section could be revised so it is shorter such as. “Throughout the years working at senior centres and programs for children…”

–       In the description for the position at Mia Dry Cleaning, it should be “resolved” instead of “resolving”

–       In the description for the Windermere Case Competition, “overall” is misspelled as “overal”


Concluding Remarks
Overall, this profile is done well.  This profile contains an extensive job experience, skills and accomplishment section. Major problems in this profile is that it lacks information focused on future career path to attract future employers and the use of past tense instead of present in the job experience section.

Link to Profile:

LinkedIn Peer Review Template: 301-Amy-Yung-LinkedIn-Peer-Review-Template2

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