To: Jason Smith, English 301 Team Writer
From: Erfan Ahmed, English 301 Team Editor
Date: December 16, 2019
Subject: Peer Review of Draft Application Package
Hi Jason,
Thank you for sharing your draft application package with Team 7. The draft includes some great area’s of experience working in computing science, and provides a solid foundation for the next steps towards a successful job application process.
Attached below, you will find some general comments and recommendations for areas of improvement regarding your draft application package:
Job Posting:
- Great job posting with detailed background information regarding the company’s values and structure, as well as briefly outlining the roles and expectations of the position, followed by requirements needed by applicants.
- It is a good idea to include a citation in MLA format for readers to reference the job posting.
Cover Letter
- Professionally written cover letter than outlines the goals and objectives, and how the skills and experiences outlined in the resume will make a good fit for the position.
- The cover letter is brief and detailed, but also has a nice personal touch to make it unique.
- Good use of an eye-catching quote relevant to the goals for the position
- The resume outlines the work experience that closely aligns with the requirements for the job posting
- Very well organized with bullet points that provides a clear understanding of a previous position or projects objective
- Good use of an Extracurricular activity section that includes experience in the line of computing sciences.
- Great interactive feature of interactive hyperlinks attached to the preferred contact methods (i.e- use of Linkedin, Github, etc)
Reference Letters
It might be a good idea to add the name of the contact personnel and the organization they are associated with, at the top of each letter requesting for a reference.
The draft application package is professional and uses an in-depth and brief analysis to outline previous (and current) work experiences that will enhance and compliment higher chances of acquiring callbacks for potential job interviews.
Grammar/ Spelling:
There are no major grammar, punctuation or spelling errors.
Concluding comments:
Overall, the draft application has been well-written and elaborates detailed explanations of the work experiences acquired, and how the skills outlined in your resume will make you a great candidate for the position. Should you have any further questions or concerns regarding my feedback, please feel free to contact me at
Good Luck with finishing up in the semester, and I hope you have a wonderful holiday and New Year.
Best regards,
Link to Jason Smith’s Draft Application Package:
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