Kate McCabe graduated with an M.A. from the Centre for Curriculum and Instruction at UBC in 2000. During that period of research she engaged in conversations over a 12 month period with early childhood practitioners and it was here that the roots of community of inquiry were deepened. Since that time she has been immersed in her teaching practice. She works with 19 on-line learners through her position at SelfDesign Learning Community and she founded the Jericho Learning Programs in 2010. It is here that about 40 learners, ages 5-13 come together to inquire and take charge of their learning. Kate also founded a preschool (http://creativemindsearlylearning.com/) in 1982 that uses an International Baccalaureate model of inquiry. Her most recent project was the development of an Early Childhood Training Program (http://earlychildhoodeducationprogram.com/) registered with the ECE Registry in the Ministry of Children and Families. Community of Inquiry plays a large role in helping these men and women prepare themselves to work with young children. She loves to learn with and about others and the CoI that happens within EPIC is a great place to do just that!