
Here you will find videos related to engaged philosophical inquiry like, for example, about philosophy for children (P4C).

A whole series of videos by Philip Cam of Australia on Thinking Tools can be found here. They are part of the Philosophy in Schools Association of New South Wales, Australia. Below is the first video.

Thomas Wartenberg is a philosophy professor at Mount Holyoke College. He has developed the website Teaching Children Philosophy as part of his research project on philosophy for children. In addition to teaching a course each year for undergraduates on philosophy for children, he has published articles describing his course. He has recently finished a book, Big Ideas for Little Kids, that is a guide for teaching philosophy to elementary-school children.

Sara Goering is Program Director for the University of Washington Center for Philosophy for Children in the United States. Below is her TED talk.

Philip Cam is an Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales in Australia. He has published many articles, books and teaching materials for teacher and children engaged in philosophy. You can also visit his website. Below is a video that features his work.

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