Review of Research in…
21st Century Learning (Theories & Methods) (2015)
This course focuses on 21stcentury learning (theories & methods). The course addresses local initiatives in 21stcentury learning and places these in larger global and intellectual contexts. Topics such as cyberlearning and cyberbullying are addressed. The courses concludes with analyses of teacher inquiry. The course is customized for the Digital Learning and Curriculum (DLC) cohort and a complement to EDCP 470. Recognizing interdependencies among methods, practices and theories, this course focuses on methods and theory while EDCP 470 focuses on methods and practices.
Download Syllabus for EDCP 508 (2015) pdf
Bruno Latour and Science & Technology Studies (STS) (2009)
This seminar focuses on Bruno Latour, arguably themost creative and challenging scholar of Science & Technology Studies (STS) in the world today. Latour’s reputation and scholarship traverses an extremely wide range of disciplines in addition to STS (e.g., anthropology, art, education, environmental studies, geography, history, law, philosophy, political science, sociology, theology, etc.). We will focus on four of Latour’s most recent texts: We Have Never Been Modern(1993), Pandora’s Hope(1999), The Politics of Nature(2004), and Reassembling the Social(2005). The seminar is interdisciplinary and inviting by design, and students from any and all disciplines are encouraged to enroll. We will work systematically through these texts to closely examine Latour’s strategies for doing STS— for researching science, technology, and technoscience as problems in what Haraway calls naturecultures and Stengers calls cosmopolitics.
Download Syllabus for EDCP 508 (2009) pdf
Review of Research in Learning Technologies, New Media and the Learning Sciences (2007)
So you call yourself (or want to be) a learning scientist? Or do call yourself (and would rather be) a learning technologist or new mediatician? Or a learning artist? Doesn’t one imply the other? Maybe you are (or really want to be) a design-based researcher, establishing yourself in both the learning sciences and the learning technologies. Or perhaps your answer is “none of the above,” and you are critical and poststructural and want to contradict or deconstruct the learning arts, sciences and technologies. This course addresses current research in learning technologies, new media and the learning sciences with a focus on “what is cognition in the messy complexity of the real world?,” “how do we learn?” and “how can design-based research help explore these questions?” The course will challenge you to theorize cognition while conducting research with groups of participants on and off-campus throughout the term.
Download Syllabus for TSED 508 (2007) pdf
Review of Research in Cognition, Emotion and Technology: How We Learn (Technology Across the Lifespan) (2005)
At the turn of the early 21stcentury, to ask the question “how do we learn?” is to ask the question “how do we learn technology across the lifespan?” However, technological change seems too fierce— too intense— to conclude that learning technology is smooth and developmental. In this course we will explore interdependencies among cognition, emotion and technology and the way these they play out in the lives of children, adolescents, teenagers and adults. We will explore school-based studies and workplace studies of how we learn; we will reconcile research into children and technology with research into adult learning and gerontechnology. How we learn (technology across the lifespan) means asking “how do we age (gracefully) with technology in this new age?”
Download Syllabus for TSED 508 (2005) pdf